The coolest thing about TGoTE and the TYficiency apt.


I've been slowly but surely moving into the new TYfeciency Apt. It is small (small small) but it is NICE. Anyway, I'm very limited on space, so clothes, books, toys, and music has been going by the way side, and that is another reason why I am taking my time moving stuff: to make sure I move what I want to keep. Anyway, now (with CD storage being at a premium) I don't have to move any Belladonna or Turbin Anthrax down!!! Every Belladonna song I am ever going to want to hear is either on The Greater of Two Evils, Music of Mass Destruction: Live in Chicago, or Return of the Killer B's: The Very Best of Anthrax &/or Video Collection . Thanks for helping me save space!! The only piece of Anthrax I'm taking from the Joey era is my "Make Me Laugh" laugh box and my "Killer B's" Jar of Honey. Besides, the new TYficiency is directly adjacent to the parents property, and that is where I am keeping the archives. But my place is so small, we're talking a fridge with a quart of milk, 3 Hefe-Weizens, a Diet Dr. Pepper, some eggs, oranges, broccoli, grapefruit and tuna salad, and it is FULL.
u are def right about not having to listen to a joey era cd again,at first with the idea i was thinking they are trying to live in the past but its worked out such a treat for longtime thrax fans.