The reunion is the best thing thats happened for me

Jun 15, 2005
I'm not here to hate on John Bush because he's an awesome vocalist but I guess by todays standards and being in my late 20's I'm what you'd call an old school Anthrax fan.

The first Anthrax album I ever owned was State of Euphoria way back when you could still get LP's. Its still my favourite album cover of all time.

Anthrax were my introduction to thrash metal and I'd listen to them religiously. Metallica never did it for me, in my world Anthrax were the kings of thrash and no-one could touch them, the riffs, the beats, the SOUND of Anthrax, it just couldn't be matched.

(I was mighty pissed off when Metallica stole the riff from Make me Laugh and stuck it into One, man, it's amazing how many riffs Metallica have lifted from Anthrax over the years. The chorus riff from King Nothing is almost identical to Only)


I was crushed when Joey was replaced with John and I never got to grips with the new Anthrax or their sound. Not that they didn't make awesome songs, they did, but back then every thrash band around was slowing down and when Anthrax followed suit, fuck man I was totally devastated. It was a real shock to the senses.

Like when Arnold Schwarzenegger started doing family movies.

Joey is my all time favourite metal vocalist, he's like my Judas Priest or James Hetfield. Having him back has made my year. His vocals really gave Anthrax a unique and distinctive sound. I'm overjoyed that everyone is back, I'm just totally blown away.

Guys, you've made my year :rock:
I totally agree!!
I've been listening since sept.1990'
I've always loved joey's voice. Especially on "State of euphoria".
Anthrax have a very unique sound and that is one of the reasons i was drawn towards them.
In the booklet from the "atack of the killer a's" cd scott says James hetfield once said "only is a pefect song" and who am i to disagree?

Im going to see Anthrax/JudasPriest sept.27th in Champaign,ILL.

Like you i was devastated when joey was let go in 92'

It took forever to like the Bush era stuff but since they announced the reunion my wish has come true. I new one day this would happen and to have them come play my home town with Preist is beyond what i could wish for.

Anthrax fucking rules and i hope Dan and Joey are kept in the band and make another cd soon.
Yeah joey fuckin kicks ass I am psyched to see em'! Anthrax is the true definition of pure thrash. Megadeth was always more speed metal than thrash and metallica was just all out heavy metal. Anthrax had the hardcore grooves and the ripping fast power chords that define thrash so well.
I understand where you are coming from. It's great to see Anthrax with the line up from when I started listening too. I bought Spreading the Disease and liked it. So I also bought Fistfull of Metal, but I really got hooked on Among the Living. Probably because I had worn out so many SPEAK ENGLISH OR DIE cassettes in between. So this line up IS Anthrax to me. I never saw Lilker or Turbin but I wish I had. John Bush is also great and I have never been dissapointed with his performances album or live. He does the old stuff better than Bruce Dickinson does Paul Dianno's. John Bush will be back and that will be great too. :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin:
Nice to see some old-schoolers actually talking about how they enjoyed the reunionshows than how much AnthraX destroyed their life when they switched singers. No, I´m not ironic!
Well they didn;t axactly destroyed my life I did like the "Sound Of White Noise" album when it came out but I never realized they would never return to their old sound and after a few weeks I was really disappointed...I just focussed on bands that I did like and left ANTHRAX for ahwt they were....of course I went to the shows, but I always hoped to have the chance to see what IMO is the definitive ANTHRAX line up/show!
spacebeer said:
Well they didn;t axactly destroyed my life I did like the "Sound Of White Noise"

:lol: that's funny. When I first took a look at your post I misread it for "they actually destroyed my life like I did with the Sound Of White Noise album"...:lol: :lol: