anthrax's rerecording songs getting thrashed

Thrax is the shit.

One word too many in there. Take out "the" and you'll be closer to what the band stand for nowadays. Having been to the Chicago Metro gig last week I can honestly say it was the worst (and last) Anthrax performance I've ever seen out of the 16 times I've seen them. Time to call it a day, guys. Thanks for the memories.
Since I'm in a mood today. To the fuckers bashing this Anthrax idea suck my mother fucking dick!!!! Jesus fucking Chirst fucking snapper fucking heads. Tad are there enough fucks in the fucking sentence for you.

And MightyTior its glad to see another LA thrax fan on the board.
phodg said:
One word too many in there. Take out "the" and you'll be closer to what the band stand for nowadays. Having been to the Chicago Metro gig last week I can honestly say it was the worst (and last) Anthrax performance I've ever seen out of the 16 times I've seen them. Time to call it a day, guys. Thanks for the memories.
out of 16 and this is the worst?? can't wait for the DVD!!!
Thanx for the support!!!
Hannibal666Lecter said:
First off, what kind of grammar is that? And you're calling the people at TFTP "toothless hicks"? Second, it's a private board and it's not open to the public. It's by membership only. If you don't like the rules or the way it's run, don't go there. But to whine on message boards and post links encouraging people to go over there and start flame wars is pure immature faggotry.

I didn't call anyone toothless hicks nor did I encourage flame wars. Once someone is informed of something, what they do is their own choice, I was just informing fans of all eras of anthrax that there were those that for the most part weren't giving the new cd idea a chance. I have been a thrash fan since the 80's loving most of the bands. I can live with how some have altered their sound while some choose to stay in a time warp,which is good for them. I actually like the tales from a pit board as I find out good information for the most part. I do dislike the stupidity that occurred around the whole taping of the "thrash of the titans" benefit but that is a whole other subject.
I'd understand why people would be pissed off if they pulled an Ozzy were replacing the tracks on the original albums..but those will always be available, so it's not like they can't listen to the originals. It's no different than putting out a live album. I think if Scott wouldn't have said "the way I always imagined them" and took that unnecessary shot at Joey (although I agree, John kicks his ass 8 ways to sunday), then people wouldn't be as pissed....
Riehlthing said: banned, and I was actually gonna check the board some, nm I guess.

But didn't you just say a few posts up that you were out of there in 5 seconds flat and how the board sucks? Make up your mind Nancy-boy. The only reason you would go there...since you say it sucks, is to be a jackass.

Riehlthing said:
Glad we don't have monitor nazi's, and let others post opinions and not ban 'em for having an opposing opinion.

Try, you were banned for going to the board simply to stir up some shit, ya fucking retard. :lol:

We welcome anyone who is there to discuss old school metal and not because they have an agenda. Quit crying.

Have a nice day.

I was thinking of deleting posts in this thread to give people a taste of their own medicine.

You mean your own people? It won't bother us in the slightest. And yes, this thread does make this board look pretty bad so I can see why you'd want to delete it.

As for my opinions on Anthrax, personally I hate their last few albums but I love all their 80s stuff. Sound Of White Noise was okay but a far cry from the band that penned Spreading The Disease and Among The Living. Other bands like Slayer, Testament, Overkill and more are still playing thrash so I don't see why Anthrax turned all soft. It's music your mom will listen to at this point. As for the remakes of classic songs...I'll give it a listen. Then I'll decide. But as far as them going back and rerecording old songs, why don't they just write a new batch of songs that captures the same vibe and aggression? To me, Anthrax are happy following Metallica down the toilet.

tattooed Sean said:
nor did I encourage flame wars. Once someone is informed of something, what they do is their own choice, I was just informing fans of all eras of anthrax that there were those that for the most part weren't giving the new cd idea a chance.

Please! Don't piss in our ears and tell us it's raining. :lol: You started this thread to rally the troops. Get the posse fired up. Start some shit.

I do dislike the stupidity that occurred around the whole taping of the "thrash of the titans" benefit but that is a whole other subject.

Yeah, I hear ya fruitcake. I think it was stupid as well. I also think the shit that went on with Scott Ian, Danny Lilker and Billy Milano was stupid as well. I'm a huge fan of S.O.D... Oh well. I'm not going to dwell on it like most of the ignorant types that think they have the scoop on what happened with the TOTT situation. :lol: Can you say obsessed?
[ >>> Hannibal666Lecter

Im a looser by speaking the truth? Take your olive skin ass back to school and get a real life, because you will always be a poor low life gutter bum.
Hannibal666Lecter said:
But didn't you just say a few posts up that you were out of there in 5 seconds flat and how the board sucks? Make up your mind Nancy-boy. The only reason you would go there...since you say it sucks, is to be a jackass.

Try, you were banned for going to the board simply to stir up some shit, ya fucking retard. :lol:

We welcome anyone who is there to discuss old school metal and not because they have an agenda. Quit crying.

Have a nice day.

You mean your own people? It won't bother us in the slightest. And yes, this thread does make this board look pretty bad so I can see why you'd want to delete it.

As for my opinions on Anthrax, personally I hate their last few albums but I love all their 80s stuff. Sound Of White Noise was okay but a far cry from the band that penned Spreading The Disease and Among The Living. Other bands like Slayer, Testament, Overkill and more are still playing thrash so I don't see why Anthrax turned all soft. It's music your mom will listen to at this point. As for the remakes of classic songs...I'll give it a listen. Then I'll decide. But as far as them going back and rerecording old songs, why don't they just write a new batch of songs that captures the same vibe and aggression? To me, Anthrax are happy following Metallica down the toilet.

Please! Don't piss in our ears and tell us it's raining. :lol: You started this thread to rally the troops. Get the posse fired up. Start some shit.

Yeah, I hear ya fruitcake. I think it was stupid as well. I also think the shit that went on with Scott Ian, Danny Lilker and Billy Milano was stupid as well. I'm a huge fan of S.O.D... Oh well. I'm not going to dwell on it like most of the ignorant types that think they have the scoop on what happened with the TOTT situation. :lol: Can you say obsessed?

BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. Shut the fuck up bitch, before I come over and slap your mom for giving birth to you. You are a fucken nazi for deleating posts anyway. Go back to Iraq bitch thats where you belong.
Hey you can believe what you want but if I see things about anthrax, I bring it back to the anthrax board because some actually like getting involved in conversations about the band they like. I go over to your site to read up about thrash and add my comments every so often. These people are all adults I can't rally shit as I don't have super brain powers to make people act in a mature manner. Fruitcake?? That is a nice one, I was just expressing my anger towards having went to that killer show and wishing there had been a dvd to enjoy it for years to come. I won't lower myself to sounding like a billy milano clone or a kid in elementary school. Try having a mature conversation with me if it is possible.

Please! Don't piss in our ears and tell us it's raining. :lol: You started this thread to rally the troops. Get the posse fired up. Start some shit.

Yeah, I hear ya fruitcake. I think it was stupid as well. I also think the shit that went on with Scott Ian, Danny Lilker and Billy Milano was stupid as well. I'm a huge fan of S.O.D... Oh well. I'm not going to dwell on it like most of the ignorant types that think they have the scoop on what happened with the TOTT situation. :lol: Can you say obsessed?[/QUOTE]
sick_sick_sicks said:
BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. Shut the fuck up bitch, before I come over and slap your mom for giving birth to you. You are a fucken nazi for deleating posts anyway. Go back to Iraq bitch thats where you belong.

You ain't gonna do you know why? Because you ain't shit. Just some internet pussy hiding behind his computer, putting on the big tough guy act in a laughable attempt to impress his hero, Scott Ian. :lol: Too funny. Go learn your ABCs retard.

Hey you can believe what you want but if I see things about anthrax, I bring it back to the anthrax board because some actually like getting involved in conversations about the band they like. I go over to your site to read up about thrash and add my comments every so often.

ZZzzzzzzzzzz......Shit starter. You can attempt to pretty it up anyway you want. It equals the same thing.

These people are all adults

:lol: Hahahahahahahahaha!

Fruitcake?? That is a nice one, I was just expressing my anger towards having went to that killer show and wishing there had been a dvd to enjoy it for years to come.

Well, I think we're all pissed but hey, shit happens and that's the music industry. There was never a guarantee a DVD would come out anyway. There was talk but nothing in writing. This is where ignorance runs amok with some people. If some people don't get instant gratification they immediately seek someone to blame. I'm pissed there won't be any more S.O.D. albums because of all that VH1-Scott Ian-Billy Milano - Danny Lilker stupidity. Perhaps the TOTT DVD will surface one day.

I won't lower myself to sounding like a billy milano clone or a kid in elementary school. Try having a mature conversation with me if it is possible.

Sorry man..I know you're sensitive about being called a fruitcake. I listen to a lot of Jerky Boys...excuse me. I wasn't implying that you were actually cake. Also, I'm on a very immature board so when in Rome...see responses like this from your fellow board mates..:lol:

"BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. Shut the fuck up bitch, before I come over and slap your mom for giving birth to you. You are a fucken nazi for deleating posts anyway. Go back to Iraq bitch thats where you belong."

Yes, thank you for lecturing me on maturity in an atmosphere like this one...where you choose to hang out. Where you choose to instigate flame wars with other boards. Funny but, I don't recall you posting at TFTP. What other name do you use?

thrashtard said:
Im a looser by speaking the truth? Take your olive skin ass back to school and get a real life, because you will always be a poor low life gutter bum.

See what I mean about this board. :lol: Real mature. Real bright. This is the guy that brags he has the domain name to TOTT but had nothing to do with the event. He's just a wannabe who lives with his mom in Vegas, is unemployed and spends all his time trying to be someone on the internet by attempting to fool people into thinking he was involved with the benefit. Almost to the point of being a nut job that requires a restraining order. Thrashtard proves to be nothing but an ignorant dumbass who can't spell if his life depended on it. Racist too. Scott Ian should be proud of this board :lol:
:lol: The comedy never ends. Here's what your retarded board member..DICK_DICK_LOVES DICKS has been instant messaging me with.

Sick_Sick_Sicks said:
Oakland is a town full of my pals
Cool you are in Oakland. So you are a my pals. Nothing I love better than beating a my pals. My grandaddy will be so proud of me. Anytime anywhere boy. Name the place. Shoot me your phone number. Your gonna punk me. Ok Ashton Kutcher. Like I said. Oakland is a town of useless my pals, so if you wanna see what your ancestors had to deal with, lets meet up. You will shit your pants with the fried chicken and collard greens you had for breakfast.

You make Pantera fans seem cool. :lol:

P.S. Come to Oakland. I will hurt you.

I'm not going to play into anyone's game here. I'm just going to say that everyone should go and remain on thier respective boards. I think that would make EVERYBODY happy on both ends.
Hannibal666Lecter said:
"He's just a wannabe who lives with his mom in Vegas, is unemployed and spends all his time trying to be someone on the internet by attempting to fool people into thinking he was involved with the benefit. "

Whatever you stupid douche bag. You don’t know shit about me. Unemployed?? LOL Im in charge of "MILLIONS" of dollars of computer equipment. I am considered the almighty God to many at my job bitch.

I make more money a year then your entire household. I also own a shit load of property in Spain with farmland, so bite me.

Fuck you and your pathetic state. I cant wait for the big one to hit so you and your worthless welfare family will be living in the ocean.