Anti-Semitic Double Standards

OldScratch, I am particularly impressed with your posts as of late. I simply don't have the stamina to type out responses on such a confused, ideological mess as this topic. Your circumspect elaborations are much appreciated!
What on earth do you define as prejudice? We(whoever we is)should not hesitate to identify any entity that apparently schemes against what we deem the ideal situation/society wherein our people shall reside. Let us not pretend that nations, cultures and peoples come to power and relevancy in a vacuum.

I think the coin flips right back to your side. If we are going to be prejudiced against a certain people, where do we stop? What parameters need to be set? Obviously we should not be prejudiced against all Jews, as not all of them are involved in this. But if they are truly scheming, don't we need to be prejudiced against all of them in order not to be fooled?
We don't need to be prejudiced or bigoted against anyone. We need to simply understand - in a dispassionate, objective manner - that two cultures can't share the same real estate and value space, and that minorities (like Jews) simply need to be removed to their own societies. Everyone is better off, and there's no need for condemnation or prejudice.
To tell a group of people to remove themselves based on their ethnicity IS to condemn and be prejudiced against that people.

Prejudiced perhaps...but sometimes the ultimate peace requires harsh judegement. As you stated above, of course not all Jews are politically motivated, agenda driven troublemakers - it would silly to suggest they are. Nevertheless, many if not most Jews are quite proud of their collective track-record of liberal/leftist activism, promoting universal egalitarianism, etc. For those of us who strongly disagree with those particular ideological ideals, it is impossible not to see thier chief architects as a threat. If you will, this is a judgement not simply based upon who a given people are, but what they do.
To tell a group of people to remove themselves based on their ethnicity IS to condemn and be prejudiced against that people.

How so? No judgment is passed. No one is abused or insulted. We just need to recognize that societies work most effectively when they unified in their cultural and ethnic character, and let it go at that. It doesn't reflect badly on Jews that they need to leave, it just reflects the reality that their homeland is elsewhere, and they don't need to be in ours.

I think everyone can agree Israel is a very racist and violent country, if not one of the worst mistakes of the 20th century.

However, I am tiring of all the jew-baiting and hating threads. The Jewish people have provided the world with some of the greatest scientists, philosophers, comedians, and thinkers of all time. I have two wonderful Jewish friends, who although they might fit certain stereotypes, are still good and enjoyable people. I find many other ethnic groups, especially white middle class Americans, to be far more worthy of our criticism and intolerance.
I think everyone can agree Israel is a very racist and violent country, if not one of the worst mistakes of the 20th century.

However, I am tiring of all the jew-baiting and hating threads. The Jewish people have provided the world with some of the greatest scientists, philosophers, comedians, and thinkers of all time. I have two wonderful Jewish friends, who although they might fit certain stereotypes, are still good and enjoyable people. I find many other ethnic groups, especially white middle class Americans, to be far more worthy of our criticism and intolerance.

People have been brainwashed from decades of post world war II propaganda to always look out for Jewish interest and it appears only whites have any tolerance for Jews and every racial variation of humanity…blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, you name it. But yet, in popular view, the most tolerant and apologetic race the world has ever seen is still made out to be the bigot, the oppressor, and the bad guy. I don’t want anti Semitic actions to take place, I want this anti white guilt trip to stop and I don't have to be a racist to desire this. Many non whites understand how apologetic whites are and they don’t feel whites owe them anything…it is only the media that continues the anti white propaganda.
I think everyone can agree Israel is a very racist and violent country, if not one of the worst mistakes of the 20th century.

I think you should think again. And this time, please at least try to use your brain.
You say Israel is violent. Show me ONE case in which the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces, mind you) used violence without a reason, and it went unpunished inside the army. We are at war constantly because it is our only way to survive.
For an accurate history of the conflict, please read Shmuel Katz's "Battleground: Fact and Fantasy in Palestine".
You accuse us of racism. True, there ARE some racists in Israel. But show me ONE country that doesn't have racists. Israeli society is very heterogeneous. We have quite a lot of people who go out of their way to bring peace (i.e. the Peace Now organization).
Some of the laws truly are unfair. But what other choice do we have? Anyone with at least two brain cells in his head can easily understand that without demographic supremacy, we'll be squashed like cockroaches. In our own homeland. We simply can not allow that.
You accuse Israel of being one of the worst mistakes of the 20th century. Would you prefer us Jews to remain in Europe, use our brains to take many of the top jobs in the market, and await another Holocaust? For it is painfully obvious that a second Holocaust would, indeed, happen.

To sum it up:
Excuse us for being alive.

I do agree, though, with the second part of your post.

Patrick R. said:
Where is the double standard with ‘traditional’ anti Semitism? As far as ‘liberal’ they sure are…when it comes to gentiles. You see they have a left wing agenda for non Jews but an ultimate supremacist agenda for other Jews…so that is where the double standard is. Also, not all Jews are like this, no more then all whites are Klansman and Nazis, or all blacks are gangsters etc.

Politically speaking, Israel is identical to the Third Reich if we keep agendas out of the way. The Nazis wanted to keep Germany European, but actually had some Jews within the Third Reich who had full declarations of German blood. The Zionist want to keep Israel Jewish or at least have some sort of Jewish homeland which has a majority Jewish population…Theodore Herzl wanted the area of Palestine for the Jewish state to attracted religious Jews. Here lies the problem, the Zionist don’t have a nationalistic agenda all by itself, they have a multicultural one as well…the former is for themselves whereas the latter is for everyone else and that is the problem, not Jewish nationalism.
Whoa... Quite a big load of shit you wrote there.
As someone who actually LIVES in Israel, and interacts with Israelis every day, I can tell you that most Jews do NOT have any double standards. We (or at least most of us) do not consider ourselves supreme to any other ethnic groups.
Any juxtaposition between Israel and the Third Reich is totally dumb, and only attests to the nescience of the one doing it. The Nazi Schweinen wanted to MAKE Germany Aryan. They wanted to exterminate the whole Jewish nation. Totally. Systematically.
Do you see any concentration camps in Israel for non-Jews? I don't. And I never will. We Israelis just want to live our lives. In PEACE. Is it our fault that even in our homeland, some seek to obliterate us? Is it our fault that we have to fight for our survival?
I think you should think again. And this time, please at least try to use your brain.
You say Israel is violent. Show me ONE case in which the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces, mind you) used violence without a reason, and it went unpunished inside the army. We are at war constantly because it is our only way to survive.
For an accurate history of the conflict, please read Shmuel Katz's "Battleground: Fact and Fantasy in Palestine".
You accuse us of racism. True, there ARE some racists in Israel. But show me ONE country that doesn't have racists. Israeli society is very heterogeneous. We have quite a lot of people who go out of their way to bring peace (i.e. the Peace Now organization).
Some of the laws truly are unfair. But what other choice do we have? Anyone with at least two brain cells in his head can easily understand that without demographic supremacy, we'll be squashed like cockroaches. In our own homeland. We simply can not allow that.
You accuse Israel of being one of the worst mistakes of the 20th century. Would you prefer us Jews to remain in Europe, use our brains to take many of the top jobs in the market, and await another Holocaust? For it is painfully obvious that a second Holocaust would, indeed, happen.

To sum it up:
Excuse us for being alive.

I do agree, though, with the second part of your post.

Whoa... Quite a big load of shit you wrote there.
As someone who actually LIVES in Israel, and interacts with Israelis every day, I can tell you that most Jews do NOT have any double standards. We (or at least most of us) do not consider ourselves supreme to any other ethnic groups.
Any juxtaposition between Israel and the Third Reich is totally dumb, and only attests to the nescience of the one doing it. The Nazi Schweinen wanted to MAKE Germany Aryan. They wanted to exterminate the whole Jewish nation. Totally. Systematically.
Do you see any concentration camps in Israel for non-Jews? I don't. And I never will. We Israelis just want to live our lives. In PEACE. Is it our fault that even in our homeland, some seek to obliterate us? Is it our fault that we have to fight for our survival?

Well, I just dont care enough to make a long comment, but really, Israel has a excellent human rights record against non-israeli's doesnt it? I mean really.

Not to say America isnt just as, or even more violent. We surely have the most violent first world society.

And I dont get race either. Culture is far more important and unifying than race.
Well, I just dont care enough to make a long comment, but really, Israel has a excellent human rights record against non-israeli's doesnt it? I mean really.
Considering the fact that we are at constant war, YES WE DO have an excellent human rights record. Did you know that the IDF is the only army that honors the Geneve Convention?
Had the US been in our situation, Syria, Iran and especially the PA would probably already have been flattened. Without a care for human rights.
The following caricature sums it up quite nicely:
Whoa... Quite a big load of shit you wrote there.
As someone who actually LIVES in Israel, and interacts with Israelis every day, I can tell you that most Jews do NOT have any double standards. We (or at least most of us) do not consider ourselves supreme to any other ethnic groups.
Any juxtaposition between Israel and the Third Reich is totally dumb, and only attests to the nescience of the one doing it. The Nazi Schweinen wanted to MAKE Germany Aryan. They wanted to exterminate the whole Jewish nation. Totally. Systematically.
Do you see any concentration camps in Israel for non-Jews? I don't. And I never will. We Israelis just want to live our lives. In PEACE. Is it our fault that even in our homeland, some seek to obliterate us? Is it our fault that we have to fight for our survival?

Where did I say all Jews think they are superior? I didn’t say such a thing, in fact I have gone out of my way to say the total opposite. But in any case, if you think that any ‘juxtaposition’ between Israel and the Third Reich are ‘dumb’ then you should be angry with Haim Cohen, a former member of the Israeli supreme court.

…the bitter irony of fate which has led the same biological and
racist laws propagated by the Nazis and which inspired the infamous
Nuremberg laws, to serve as a basis for the definition of Judaism
within the State of Israel.


Badi, J. (1960). Fundamental Laws Of The State Of Israel. New York. p.156.

Yes, the National Socialist Workers Party wanted keep Germany Aryan, or ‘European’ just the way Zionist want to keep Israel Jewish. In fact, the Zionist at times calloborated with the Nazi government for resettlement of Jewish populations elsewhere. What do you mean the Nazis wanted to destroy the entire ‘Jewish nation’? You aren’t referring to Israel are you? But in any case, there were over 100,000 part Jews that served the Third Reich to the very end and they even received full declarations of German blood.

As far as the concentration camps in German territory go, they weren’t alone, the Americans sent the Japanese to camps, and the British took Italians and forced them into camps. Allied bombing campaigns created much suffering by destroying the transportation units and denies food to everyone in Germany…not just the Jews.

The Israelis have an entire nation of people under brutal military occupation and have thousands more in prison. I don’t believe that all Jews are responsible for this…you say Israelis want peace and yes I believe that. However, peace will not be accomplished with the post war Western democracies along with the Israeli governments policies in the Middle East. Israel isn’t on the verge of destruction…not even close.
Considering the fact that we are at constant war, YES WE DO have an excellent human rights record. Did you know that the IDF is the only army that honors the Geneve Convention?
Had the US been in our situation, Syria, Iran and especially the PA would probably already have been flattened. Without a care for human rights.
The following caricature sums it up quite nicely:

You have completely ignored everything positive that speed has said about Israel and the Jews and your reply was ‘oh look at us we are the innocent little victims and everybody else is bad’. Sorry Goebbels, but your propaganda isn’t going to work here, with that picture for example is shows a ‘brave’ Israel IDF soldier and a Palestinian one and it tries to make the Israeli soldier out to be a hero and the Palestinian one to be a terrorist. Sorry Geobles but not all Palestinians hide behind children…they also haven’t destroyed you roads, lighthouses, gas stations, and numerous other civilian targets like what happened last summer with the Israeli military forces attacking Lebanon. I don’t think that it is 100% Israel’s fault, but I don’t believe Israel has a moral upper hand in this conflict. Take responsibility for your own actions…never white wash them.
it's definitely not a taboo here as people can't stop talking about it. if people here see only politically charged issues as having massive implications, maybe we should rename the board. the discussion of this stuff is not only of low quality, it is also getting rather tiring.
it's definitely not a taboo here as people can't stop talking about it. if people here see only politically charged issues as having massive implications, maybe we should rename the board. the discussion of this stuff is not only of low quality, it is also getting rather tiring.

No it isn’t a taboo here…why should it be? Who said anything about only politically charged issue having massive implications? All I said was that race has massive implications, which history tells us. It may tire you, but then again you can have a counter argument.