Anti-Semitic Double Standards

Israel uses Palestinians as human shields.
JERUSALEM - Sameh Amira was fast asleep when he was jolted awake by pounding at the front door. Israeli troops were on a manhunt for wanted militants in the West Bank and decided to draft help.

The terror-stricken 24-year-old Palestinian soon found himself forced onto the front lines of Israel’s shadowy war against militants, a human shield as he led heavily armed soldiers from house to house. “I was afraid I would die,” he said in a recent interview.

For several years, Palestinians had complained about the army’s use of human shields, but proof was difficult to come by. Then in late February, Associated Press Television News captured footage of the incident involving Amira.

The video has prompted the army to launch a rare criminal investigation into whether its soldiers violated a landmark Israeli Supreme Court 2005 ruling barring the use of human shields. Others, including an 11-year-old girl, have been emboldened to come forward with similar accounts of being compelled to walk ahead of soldiers looking for militants.

International law, including the Geneva Conventions and Hague regulations, prohibits placing civilians in harm’s way during military operations.

The British ambassador to Israel, Sharard Koffer, has launched strong criticism against the Israeli authorities, describing the West Bank as the "largest concentration camp in the world," a description which was answered by the Israeli government by saying "the era of the British mandate has passed."

UN fears over checkpoint births

Palestinians, including women, are subject to rigorous checks
More than 60 Palestinian women have given birth at Israeli checkpoints since 2000 and 36 of their babies have died as a result, says a UN report.

As soon as the results of the January elections were out, Israel vowed to stop all contacts, financial and political, with the Palestinian Authority (P.A.). The Americans immediately followed suit. Besides, the Bush administration issued a call to the international community to boycott the Hamas-led government. The European Union (E.U.) quickly fell in line. It was to the credit of Russian President Vladimir Putin that despite pressure from Washington and Brussels, he invited a high-level Hamas delegation to Moscow in March. The Russian government has pledged to continue with its funding of the Hamas-led government.



You watch Arab media too much. Way too much.
The soldiers who used Palestinians as human shields were punished. Severely. The IDF takes humanism very seriously.

I'll ignore the British ambassador's quote, as it's just too dumb to respond to.

As for the checkpoint births - do you have any IDEA how many women dressed as pregnant (and how many men disguised themselves as pregnant women) to smuggle explosives, or to get into the checkposts and blow themselves up there? The terrorists simply leave us no choice.

"Policy to starve Palestinians into submission"?
1) Who the hell says we owe them any money, food, electricity or water? We should have done this long ago.
2) Why the hell should we help Hammas? It is widely known that almost none of this money would reach the average Palestinian citizens anyway. Most of it would go straight to the Hammasniks, to fund their terror acts. We're not dumb enough to fund our own killers.
3) Palestinian people should blame Hammas (and other terrorist organizations), not Israel, for their starvation. Had they really striven for peace, they'd have gotten it long ago. Along with the prosperity that comes with it.

I'll ignore the comments about "genocide", "slavery" and "mafia", as they are just too damn stupid to relate to.

Patrick R.,
Don't worry, I'll respond to your posts later. I have to go now.
You watch Arab media too much. Way too much.
The soldiers who used Palestinians as human shields were punished. Severely. The IDF takes humanism very seriously.

I wonder who is being punished for the IDF's use of cluster bombs in civilian areas, environmental damage cause by destruction of power stations and factories, and attacks on infrastructure in lebanon leading to depletion of food sources.

The following caricature sums it up quite nicely:

Yes, and the difference is that the Israeli soldier would have no hesitation in shooting.
Lord Bodom, I am glad you're posting here. Its good for a jewish israeli, or someone besides me (who openly dislikes Israel) to support the jews and israelis against rather overwhelming opposition.

Although I recognize many of the horrible acts the Palestinians have committed, not to mention the once pan-arab desire to wipe Israel off the earth has probably created such a militaristic israeli state (although after the last conventional war-- the Yom Kippur war), you'd think it was obvious Israel had nothing to fear from a conventional attack.

However, the conditions in Palestine as we all know, including you, are horrendous. Israelis have broken every promise, offerred the Palestinians almost nothing, engage in idiotic and totally overblown military operations against terrorists that only impact normal citizens, and create more terrorists. And then we have your constant incursions into Lebanon that did nothing but kill innocents and strengthen the resolve and power of Hezbollah. Not to mention the fact that Palestinians are esentially not citizens, have to pass walls to get into Israel, have little infrastructure, no jobs, and so on and so forth.

America seems to be following Israel's tactics in Iraq, and we see how this is working out.

Also, the media in America is overwhelmingly pro-Israeli.

But I think the point everyone here is trying to make, and trying to get you to see, is how these violent, militaristic, hubristic, and definately racist/or prejudiced policies of Israel, are exactly the same things we white Christians (or fascist neo-pagans with homosexual leather uniforms) used against your people for thousands of years. We forced you into ghettoes; we didnt give you citizenship; we terrorized you; we took your land and possessions; we treated you like second class citizens. And here you are, doing the same thing to the Palestinians (and to the Lebanese when you decided to invade). That is what bothers us.

Finally, interestingly enough, when I was but a wee lad, I used to sit on yhe lap of my cool cousin, who still has one of the highest security clearances one can have in military intelligence agency. He was a very nice man, not at all prejudiced, who had been everywhere. I used to ask him if there were aliens, or if the soviets were coming, etc. But I always asked him who were the bad guys. And he always said israel (although I wasnt supposed to say anything about it), because they stole all of our stuff, destabilized a region, and we always did what they wanted, and didnt negotiate. Boy was he right.
It is well known that the Palestinians throw rocks, while the Israelis use guns against them.
What made the Palestinians so desperate? They were a very friendly and peaceful people before Israel came along. It took them quite a while after that to figure out that Israelis=Jews. Once they realised that, the scales fell from their eyes.

Jews have less right to that land than Nazi Germany had to Czechoslovakia and many times less than Germany had to invade Poland. Yet Germany faced a war over claiming back formerly German territory. Why does Israel get multibillion dollar donations from the same allies that wanted to wipe out Germany's territorial advances?
If Israel is indeed a fascist, ethnocentric state, than it should actually be praised according to Nazi moral standards

Some Nazis praise it:

As critically thinking individuals, we must be honest and admit Judaism is superior to our current culture, which is a hybrid of democratic thinking, Christian morality and an ethic of convenience regarding profit motive. Where contemporary culture in the West comprises two layers, one of spaced-out rhetoric of individuality and equality, and the other of directionless profit motive, Judaism unites the two around a single goal: ethnic-religious consciousness. - Judaism by Steve Martinez
Yes, the National Socialist Workers Party wanted keep Germany Aryan, or ‘European’ just the way Zionist want to keep Israel Jewish.

It seems to me both are interested in self-preservation and cultural preservation, so the market/globalism doesn't dominate them.

What a good idea.
This recent article by John Pilger - a distinguished journalist, is an absolute must read.
It shows how most of our media is biased and lists the many horrors perpetrated on the Palestinians by the Israelis. Just have a quick look and you'll really want to read it all.

Imprisoning a whole nation

John Pilger describes how Gaza in Palestine has come to symbolise the imposition of great power on the powerless, in the Middle East and all over the world, and how a vocabulary of double standard is employed to justify this epic tragedy.