Anti slipknot?

What I don't understand is:
How can someone love Slipknot, and hate KoRn? I think they are pretty much the same. Personally, I think Slipknot is a tiny bit better than KoRn because Slipknot doesn't use nursery rhymes as lyrics, but I'd never purchase an album by either one of them.
Someone explain what the difference between Slipknot and KoRn is (oh, and MuDvAyNe).:confused:
I honestly think if these nu metal bands didn't sell any records, half those who dis them would pimp them up because they would still be "underground." It all goes back to that thing where it is cooler to hate something that is popular than make up your own mind about what you like.
Slipknot isn't that great but I give the drummer credit for having incredble technique and power but on some songs he just does'nt know shit about playing to the music. Just listen to the end of surfacing, he just goes fucking crazy for no purpose except to show off some fancy stickwork so he can get on the cover of Modern Drummer. That's lame. But if you want to go a trilion steps lower down check out that shitty band Mudvayne, or why not check out Taproot, their bound to make you laugh or cry!
Long live Anthrax!
Well all i can say to this is that some people must have alot of time on their hands making up such a stupid site...

I must say iwas scepticalat first after reading one of there articles in metaledge but when i bought the album the day it was relased i was totally blown away

I think one of the reasons they kick so much ass is because they took influences(testament exodus slayer anthrax etc and turned it into there own thing!!!
I used to be really into didn't last long, because at the same time I was checking out old school and black metal, and decided that I liked old school best :D methinks Slipknot are a great, innovative band, though I'd rarely choose to listen to them nowadays....the problem is the legions of 12-year old part-time fans who don't know shit about Metal, or even the band on their T-shirt. Or worse, 12-year old part-time fans who think that wearing a Slipknot t-shirt makes them a metalhead! When you're indifferent about a band, it's thse kinda pricks who can sure put you off them for life :(

The irony is that these posers who make up 90% of nu-metal's fanbase are completely contradicting the messages put over by bands like 'knot - BE YOURSELVES, YOU DICKWEEDS!!!