ANTIMATTER Greek dates!!!

I would love to be in Athens for Antimatter but at that time i have my exams, so screw everything
Strangelight said:
who's coming?
FINALLY A CONCERT IN CYPRUS!!! Even though I'm not an Antimatter fan, I'll be there for sure!!! I think they will be playing with Nightingale and Armageddon (the local Armageddon).

I also heard rumours of an Anathema concert in Cyprus, anyone know anything about this? I would seriously freak out if I saw Anathema!!!

EDIT: I just realised you're in Antimatter... cool heh, maybe you can confirm if you'll be playing with Nightingale and Armageddon... And if you play well on that night, you'll have a new fan right here :cool:

BTW The gig is not being promoted at all... The close metal community has heard about it by word of mouth but there are no ads or posters whatsoever... I promise I'll do my best to spread the word around.. And now that there is freedom of movement between the Greek and Turkish parts of the island, you should try to promote the concert in the Turkish side to get more ticket sales.

Can't wait for the gig!!

(BTW will there be a merchandise stand?)
Ok that's insanely cool, Duncan you rule man :D

I have one tiny request... if you guys play A Fine Day To Exit that would b fuckin amazing! But thats not gonna happen i guess considering Danny is not coming.. I'm sure you're gonna play stuff from Eternity and Alternative 4 though, right?

Of course, if Anathema play Cyprus I will die a happy man, but that's wishful thinking, cause in July I go to the army and I will be missing anything that happens.. if theres an Anathema gig in June I will make it :) (hint hint Danny)