ANTIMATTER Greek dates!!!

Strangelight said:
I often wonder where I will end. It'd be crap to die like Bon Scott, in a shitty car like. Me and Les were talking about the best possible deaths we want.
Where will I die? Hmmm...

and what would u want?

I think to die during sex could be good, at least one last good thing ;) :tickled:
Strangelight said:
I often wonder where I will end. It'd be crap to die like Bon Scott, in a shitty car like. Me and Les were talking about the best possible deaths we want.
Where will I die? Hmmm...

I can think of shittier ways to go than bon did. I was listening to "ride on" last night and thinking about how oul' bon died and all "I'm gonna change my wicked of these days" but he never did tho. anyway its not important how you die, it who ye take with you that counts
"Aren't you Irish folk supposed to be dying in pubs clutching pint glasses?"

no. We stay till the death in pubs and then die of hangovers the next mornings. Its a glorious and honorable death so it is
cedarbreed said:
' I'm not afraid of dying, it's just that I don't want to be here when it happens ' Pierre Desproges (RIP)

When I was younger I was fucking scared of death, I'd wake up at night and think of it and go paranoid and sick of fear :ill: It was very bad, but it's gone now somehow.
I dunno, if i know i got to die because of a disease i would kill myself. I mean i enjoy as much as i can, but when the times arrive i cant enjoy anything anymore i would like to know the feeling of a 500 meter jump. or higher if possible :)
How high is that bridge in istanbul? the bosporus thing?