any BADASS designers on here?

depends on what you like, I am not very good at drawing but I can do some things, here are a few things I did:

like I said, really depends on what you like, if you want Dan Seagrave style drawings, I would fail really hard.
If you want something clean without fancy drawings, I could try something.
hey man. some of them i do rather like :)

im looking for something quite epicy...if that makes sense
yeah, really, like I said, I can do somethings, but I am more into designing "normal" things
and not metal albums :D
But Dan Weapon for example does really awesome stuff! And there are many other guys on here.
I have a friend who is just starting to offer designs more professionally, he's a really good artist and will probably be quite cheap.

Shoot me a PM and I'll put you in touch if you're interested :)
Would love to hear what your ideas about your artwork are like!
PM me if interested, some random stuff I did recently, not especially cd packaging and stuff.


Dan Weapon does really epic stuff. If you know what you're after, he's your man, for definite!