Any Battlefield Vietnam players here?

Are there a lot of servers for this? I'm a fan of BF1942 and only stopped playing that because my comp can no longer handle it with that punkbuster crap running.

I'll be getting a new comp soon though so I'd like to know if a lot of the BF1942 players moved over to Vietnam. I just saw the video review at and while they liked it, they basically said BF1942 is still better.
Well I am an ol' BF1942 gamer and I moved on to BF Vietnam and I find Vietnam to be more fun online as long as you don't get punks with high pings giving you lag. ARRRGh.
EA piss me off, because of

1. That fucking annoying logo on every single game that you can't skip that says "challenge everything" in that gay whisper
2. They don't make games that cater for 1280x1024. So I have to run my TFT out of its native res, and have black stripes across the top and bottom.

I played the BF1942 games as well and I like BF Vietnam much more. Better gameplay, vehicles/choppers (I love co-pilot so I can man the Huey machine guns and missle launches!). I love hiding in the tall weeds as well, the way they have made those are killer, as you go through it the closer blades of grass go transparent then disappear as you crawl through it, simu;ates what it would be in real life to a degree. Tons of servers as well.
I've got Line Of Sight Vietnam... as of today.

Look out for Charlies, up in the trees!

Haven't played Battlefield yet unfortunately.