Any Metal songs about the vietnam war?

rockmanxpr said:
Metallica: Disposable Heros and maybe even For Whom the Bell tolls, or these could be songs about war in general....
For Whom the Bell Tolls is about spanish civil war, the idea is taken from Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "Por Quien Doblan Las Campanas"
frozen_core said:
well, there's sabbath's War Pigs which isn't directly associated with Nam...but Iron Man is...about a vietnam war vet who returns to the states to kill the public he once saved, which refers to the serial killings some vets did after they returned (who the public thought of as sick war criminals) might look into those...or not :P

Care to elaborate or point me in a direction where I can do a bit of research on these serial killings?
yeah, let me rephrase that. i don't believe Iron Man was written directly to tell the story of a viet nam vet becoming a serial killer, but it has been compared to that, in the lyrical sense. if you're looking for information about serial killers who were Viet Nam Vets, look up William Bonin, The Freeway Killer. I think he killed over 14 people. as a side note, i think there was a serial killer nicknamed the Ironman...has nothing to do with the song might want to check out this site as well, about the Paranoid album:
Androz said:
For Whom the Bell Tolls is about spanish civil war, the idea is taken from Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "Por Quien Doblan Las Campanas"
Actually, it's from a Hemingway novel called For Whom the Bell Tolls (I haven’t read it in 15 years, but it was an okay book if I remember correctly). ;) The song's lyrics and themes are pretty much taken from a chapter or two about fighting over a hill and how petty it seemed.
Manowar's song "Shell Shock" is about Vietnam, and it's fucking hilarious. "Death Tone" mentions how "You were sittin' home and I got sent to Nam", which is great since no one in Manowar got sent Vietnam, and they're always talking about how much they hate posers. Don't get me wrong, I love Manowar. I just find that hilarious.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Sodom yet. A lot of their songs are war-related (WWII, Vietnam, Gulf War).

A selection of songs about the War in Vietnam:

From Persecution Mania (1987):
- Electrocution
- Persecution Mania

From Agent Orange (1989)
- Agent Orange
- Magic Dragon
- Baptism Of Fire

From Better Off dead (1990):
- Capture The Flag

Fom M-16 (2001):
- Among The Weirdcong
- I Am The War
- Napalm In The Morning
- Lead Injection
- Cannon Fodder
Beelzebub said:
:cry: Hey, I mentioned Sodom! Excellent German thrash.

Sorry, I must've missed your post when I looked through this thread. :blush:

Oh well, I guess this means Sodom has two votes now. :cool:

*Edit: seems I missed some the earlier posts, yours was the second one! (where's that stone wall to bang my head against when I need it?)
Heh don't worry about it. Whether or not you're doing a report on the Vietnam War, you should check them out. omfg nownownownownow!!!!!!!!!!111
Beelzebub said:
Heh don't worry about it. Whether or not you're doing a report on the Vietnam War, you should check them out. omfg nownownownownow!!!!!!!!!!111

If you're referring to the people reading this thread, then I couldn't agree more! :rock:

I've been a Sodom fan for over 2 years now (though I'm sure my earlier post gave that away). A friend loaned me M-16 and as soon as I heard it, I was immediately hooked to this band. :cool:
1by4by9 said:
A song on Iron Maiden's X Factor-album is about Apocalypse! Now-movie. I just don't remember the song's name.

The song is "The Edge of Darkness", and it's brilliant! The whole album I really liked. It was type of concept album based on many different aspects (mainly given a psychological spin) of the Vietnam war and the after effects of it.