Any Metal songs about the vietnam war?


man who plays drum
Jun 7, 2003
Wallingford, CT
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Alright, for a US history project, I have to write a paper on music and musical influence of the vietnam war. Of course Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young - Ohio comes to mind, but is there any metal songs based about the Vietnam war? Anything to get a cheap whoring exploit for metal =)

I think there's one line in "Revolution Is My Name" that refers to the war...

but I think "Greenface" was written about the Navy SEALS, at least that's what I remember him saying at the last IE show I was at...
Whoa, I didnt even make a correlation to War inside my head, even though thats one of the main topics of the war we discussed. Good call! Anyone got any more?

And yea, too bad that IE song is terrible =/
soundgarden said:
and "One" would be good as well.

I think the concept of "one" was taken from the book Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo (You can see this in the video, too). It was about a soldier going off into World War I and he ends up getting his arms, legs and face blown off. The anti-war people used that book as an example of the dangers of war during the Vietnam era even though it was about WWI.
Beelzebub said:
I think the concept of "one" was taken from the book Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo (You can see this in the video, too). It was about a soldier going off into World War I and he ends up getting his arms, legs and face blown off. The anti-war people used that book as an example of the dangers of war during the Vietnam era even though it was about WWI.

It is a very emotional song. I will check out that book, it sounds interesting.
well, there's sabbath's War Pigs which isn't directly associated with Nam...but Iron Man is...about a vietnam war vet who returns to the states to kill the public he once saved, which refers to the serial killings some vets did after they returned (who the public thought of as sick war criminals) might look into those...or not :p
A song on Iron Maiden's X Factor-album is about Apocalypse! Now-movie. I just don't remember the song's name.
I'm probably dating myself here with this one, but there was a band called Pretty Maids back in the 80's (actually, they are still making albums) who had a song called "Yellow Rain" on the "Future World" album. It was about Vietnam and the stress and horror the soldiers faced.

It's actually a great song and (even with a couple of cheesy tunes) a great Metal album! Download the song, it's worth it.
and if you want to go back even further... although not metal, but directly related to the vietnam war, check out "smiley" by ronnie burns; "i was only 19" by redgum; and "war or hands of time" by the masters apprentices... all classic aussie bands.