Any believable SOLO string samples out there?


Jul 16, 2009
Indianapolis Indiana
I'm looking for really intimate sounding solo string samples, like cellos and such. Are there any sample libraries that do this especially well?

Also, how the hell do you guys manage to use kontakt and other vst instruments while running your daw? I have a pretty beefy pc and it gets bogged down big time by the sample libraries.
I use Miroslav Philharmonik for my orchestra vsti. Has choirs, almost all strings, brass, percussion, and a few extras. Has tons of multi kits from chamber groups to full blown orchestras. They usually have single and then group instruments ex. 11 violins or 23 violins etc etc., with many variations like slow, expressive, stacatto, long, short etc.
Also, how the hell do you guys manage to use kontakt and other vst instruments while running your daw? I have a pretty beefy pc and it gets bogged down big time by the sample libraries.

How much sample libraries are you using at once? If your pc is as beefed up as you say you shouldn´t have much trouble. Still, you could make stems out of the midi (freeze track as some DAWs call it) to save cpu
The weird thing is the native instruments kontakt player is only using one of my two processors. Does any one know what is the cause behind that? I can't seem to find any settings to change this..
There used to be. Garritan solo violin and cello were amazing. very realistic. however they have been discontinued and their new libraries suck. However the company called "sample modeling" is in the process of making some that they claim will blow those out of the water. and i would be a fool not to believe them as their solo trumpet and saxaphone are AMAZING!
There are quite a few products out there that can be used to get believable strings down, however with that comes a high price tag. I guess it depends what one is looking for as far as realistic is concerned. Vienna Strings is one that can produce realistic results, but once again your talking about a $2700.00 product. As far as mentioning Garritan, I' think it's a bit of stretch to say they suck - it is great for what it is, a $150.00 orchestral library. I have Garritan and Miroslav and find both quite usable, but understand I'm not going to get the sound of the Vienna stuff from two low cost libraries.