Any covers or remakes on the new CD?


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
Hey Matt! I'm curious, will the new CD have any bonus tracks of re-recordings from the first CD or songs covering other bands just for fun?

I'd think it would be cool for Theocracy to cover some old Christian/metal tunes, etc.

For some reason it's easy for me to fall into the trap of bonus tracks...sorry!:D
Well, with him saying in another post that "Just recently finished writing yet another song, so we have too much material for one CD and I'm not sure what to do because I don't really feel any of the songs are b-side material, but I don't want to release a double either..."

I highly doubt he would drop a song to put in a cover song. But who knows!
I thought he said a while ago that there would be one, but he wasnt going to tell us what it was. There was something about trying to guess it, but he said we could guess all we wanted, but he wouldnt say what it was.
Nightmare1z said:
Well, with him saying in another post that "Just recently finished writing yet another song, so we have too much material for one CD and I'm not sure what to do because I don't really feel any of the songs are b-side material, but I don't want to release a double either..."

I highly doubt he would drop a song to put in a cover song. But who knows!

I understand, but bonus tracks are still cool to have. If the band has that much material, then odds are they'll be a bonus track or two.
I solved this problem already, did anyone listen? Matt should release an EP preceding the new album! 6 songs to wet our appetite! WHAMO! Problem solved, fans rejoice. Thank you, thank you. You're too kind.