any danish guys here who wanna record some voiceovers?

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I need some vioceovers for the promo-version of a CD I'm producing atm...
We forgot to do it during the recordings and the band's gone home now.....
I asked them to do it at home with some handheld mic, but in case that won't work I'd like to know if there are any danish guys around that would record those 14 little lines for me?


"you're listening to ....., this song is called..." (songtitles would be in danish)
danish just have 25 letters in every word that are silent, sometimes a "d" is a d, sometimes it's an "l" and sometimes not audible at all....fucked up language

"meaningless guttural sounds" :p

looks like these will be digitally watermarked, so I won't need it.

cheers anyway

Let us know (on the Alestorm forum would be good as well) when there's any samples or preview clips about! Can't wait.