any Danzig fans?

Jun 25, 2004
Just wanted to know what other Regs are into the band Danzig.. not Glenn the man or his previous bands (Misfits and Samhain) .. but his work with the Danzig (i guess you can call it his solo band).. my fave albums are the self titled debut and Lucifuge... what are yours? also what happened to John Christ the guitarist? i always thought he was a awesome guitar player and was always very underrated.. the original band members was the best Danzig lineup with Eerie and Chuckie Biscuits and John of course... :wave:
The first three Zig records ruled. After he fired the band his career went to shit & he earned where he's at the moment. The other thing about the material, it did age well.
It sounds dated now & I hardly ever listen to any of that stuff. I really have to be in the mood to be depressed, kinda like listening to Type O Negative...
I'm a happy guy.
I like Danzig a lot. I don't think I've heard anything after he fired the band, but everything I've heard since Danzig started I really enjoyed. Most of his stuff does not depress me, but also note that most of the time I can't understand what he's saying especialy On demonsweat live, Sistina isn't hard to sing along to since I just have to mumble some of the words. Danzig still rules though IMO.
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
... my fave albums are the self titled debut and Lucifuge... what are yours? also what happened to John Christ the guitarist? i always thought he was a awesome guitar player and was always very underrated.. the original band members was the best Danzig lineup with Eerie and Chuckie Biscuits and John of course... :wave:

Those two are my favorite too. And I couldn't agree more about the lineup, the albums with them were just the best. Blackacidevil was just horrible! Satan's Child was alright, but the last one - a big letdown, again :(
I really dug some of their stuff and there are maybe one or two songs that still sound cool, but like Sixx said, it didn't hold up well for me over the years. I do like the band, but I haven't played a whole CD in years.

Just like Sixx said - first 3 albums were good. Afterwards, well... not my cup of tea. As for the man himself I think his ego is as big as he is. Heard about the fight he had with this guy from the North Side Kings who knocked him out? I think he had it coming for a long time!
DrillSergeant said:
Just like Sixx said - first 3 albums were good. Afterwards, well... not my cup of tea. As for the man himself I think his ego is as big as he is. Heard about the fight he had with this guy from the North Side Kings who knocked him out? I think he had it coming for a long time!

I heard Viv Campbell dotted his "I" once. I don't find that hard to believe though. Viv is Irish.

DrillSergeant said:
I had never heard about that before you mentioned it. We're really talking about the Viv Campbell who was in Dio, Whitesnake and Def Leppard?

Yeah supposedly when Dio and Danzig were touring together, there was an incident with a food tray that was supposed to be for the Dio band and Glenn was eating out of it. Viv got pissed and knocked the shit out of Glenn. How true it is, I couldn't tell you, but as I said considering Viv is Irish and the fact his name is fucking Vivian, he is probably a tough son of a bitch.

I Like Danzig 3 LOVE it ... But i have NEVER been a fan of the misfits Tho I dont really think it sounds Dated like the Great Sixx says its just that most of his music is well Boring to be frank... tho 3 is a masterpeice!
Mmmm never was a big fan of Danzig, although the vocals are amazing it is pretty depressing music to me, more like some kind of Doom-wave.... But they are/were original anyway...Thinking of it , I like Candlemass a lot and that's often pretty depressive doom music too, but more "metal" to my taste...
I liked the first album alot when it came out, have not heard it for a looong time though. I'm a bigger Misfits fan though!
Bryant said:
Yeah supposedly when Dio and Danzig were touring together, there was an incident with a food tray that was supposed to be for the Dio band and Glenn was eating out of it. Viv got pissed and knocked the shit out of Glenn. How true it is, I couldn't tell you, but as I said considering Viv is Irish and the fact his name is fucking Vivian, he is probably a tough son of a bitch.


I dont know Glenn is a pretty muscular guy or was while Vivian is kind of lanky last time i saw his picture. Plus any guy that releases a videotape of a guy nailing his dick to a piece of wood must fight dirty lol Anyways as for vivian i lost respect for him when he said bad things about his time with Dio and the music he created. To me the music he created with Dio was his best work and made me respect his guitarwork. His stints with def leppard and whitesnake didnt. Other then that anyone know what John Christ is doing nowadays? he in a new band? etc...
I thought the story when Viv kicked Glenn's ass was after he joined Leppard?
Oh well, that's about what I have read regarding the incident.
If Glenn got the original band together & did a record, I would have to check it out.
Until then, they are just a memory to me...
I used to be huge into the Mighty Midget, Glenn Danzig...until he went farther and farther off the deep end. Lucifuge is my favorite and DEVILS PLAYTHING is my favorite Danzig track because it just flat out CRUSHES. HOWEVER, after III I, too lost interest. Blackacidevil sucked blackacidballs and as far as I am concerned Danzig himself is a little too full of himself. Takes himself too seriously. Just can't see him kicking back with a cold one and telling jokes....BUT GET THIS...JOHN CHRIST (if it's still up and running) has his own website. Do a google search but it's either or At any rate, you can email him from the site and he will always write you back. I ordered his solo cd, FLESH CAFFIEINE off of the site and he sent it to me from his HOUSE with an autographed poster, (which I gave to Swine) a handfull of Danzig guitar picks, a signed photo, and a note telling me to write what I thought of the record on his site and he'd post it. He did. It sounded like Nugent meets KISS! I like his solo record better than Danzig. He's into a lot of SRV and stuff like that. Old, classic rock, which Glenn never liked. Drop him a line!
Huge Danzig fan here, hehehe...I guess that is pretty obvious. But I do have to agree with most of you here, the first 3 albums where brilliant...#4 was very mediocre and perhaps had a few ok tracks, #5 Blackacidevil was HORRID :yuk: to this day I refuse to listen to anything off of that album, #6 Satan's Child was wayyy better than #5, but nothing "great" in there either, #7 I Luciferi was much better and sports a few great tacks including the title track. And now #8 Circle of Snakes has me drooling once again, I think he really went back to his old roots on this one...vocals are excellent and the whole atmosphere of the album is so early Danzig influenced. A great comeback indeed...Evil Elvis is definately in the house once again :headbang: