any decent free EQ plugs? (mac vst)


beat defective
Sep 12, 2008
hey guys. OS X is lacking many things, one thing of which, is a decent free EQ plugin.

perhaps one day cockos will let us use reaq for OS X, outside of reaper, but until then, anyone know of any decent free EQ plugins for mac?

i got fed up with windows. again.

there just is no satisfying me. :|

using gay-base studio 4!

and yea, i got told that. i actually quite like channel EQ you get with cubase, but you can only use 4 bands (that is *not* enough!).

i know i could just use a few group tracks in series, but that's just messy, and becomes a hassle when i want to change 1 band, then another on another channel (i've done this before..).

then, i can't A B test properly. i like just being able to flick between different presets, and stuff.

i could continue, but i think that's enough to show the EQ i have at the moment isn't really good enough.. hah
