Any Edmonton fans on this board?


New Metal Member
Sep 10, 2001
I'm just wondering if I'm the only poster on this board who will be at the Oct. 2nd Nevermore show up here in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada?

Derrick Collins.
Quite possibly...

But I'll be at the Winnipeg show tomorrow :)


Do let us know how that Winnipeg show was. I've never seen Nevermore before, so the Edmonton show has me very excited. :)

I live in Red Deer and I will be going to the show in Edmonton.

It's at the Fox 'N Hound right? Where in Edmonton is this? And do you just pay at the door to get in and not buy tickets in advance?

I can't wait.

Thank You
The Fox and Hounds is on 109th street, near 101 Ave. You can pay $15 at the door or $12 in advance from various local stores, including Hexed on Whyte Ave. I went with the advance tix for fear of a sell-out. I also can't wait! I've been needing a good dose of live Metal for waaaay too long. :)

A couple days late, but here are some comments about the Winnipeg show:

1) It ruled! Warrel and Curran especially were really into it. Loomis was less so, but I gather that he's usually like that.

2) Set list was the same as the Toronto show, but not necessarily in that order. Loomis broke a string early on, during This Sacrament, and the replacement guitar seemed a little out of tune during River Dragon... he switched guitars again after that one. Warrel and Van tried to add The Learning to the set at the end, but Loomis refused to play it :P

3) Sound was reasonable. Warrel's vocals were too low in the mix, but otherwise it was pretty well balanced and full of goodness :)

4) They'll be back "eventually", eheh. There were maybe 75 people at the show... which isn't a ton, but also not bad considering that they've never played here before, the show was scheduled not very far in advance and was barely advertised at all, and it was on a thursday night. The band seemed genuinely impressed by the crowd's enthusiasm, that people were singing along and calling out for old songs, etc.

I took a bunch of pictures, I'll post a link here once I've put them up somewhere. Enjoy the Edmonton show, hopefully we start getting more tours in Western Canada now...

Cool, sounds like I'm in for a great show tomorrow night! I'm almost as excited to be seeing Into Eternity as Nevermore. They are an awesome Prog/Death Metal band from Regina.

As for getting more shows in Western Canada, I hope so too! I'm still a little peeved about Iron Madien posting an Edmonton date on their official site only to cancel it, opting just to hit Montreal, TO, and Van. Bastards, hehehe. :)
Only 12 or so more hours till I see Nevermore!!!
Listening to DNB as I type this. That's still my fav album, not sure why, it must be the 'concept'. I LOVE concept albums! :)