Any free alternatives from DFHS/Battery/similiar drum samplers?

I've trolled my ass off at KVR and luckily, I remember a particular plugin I found while doing so: Shortcircuit

I haven't tried it yet but I believe it is possibly to build your own kit in it, it seems pretty advanced if you allow it to be. It's discontinued though so there will be no updates I'm afraid. Let me know if it's of any use to ya!
Shortcircuit version 1 is really cool, i used it for ages with Reaper when i was on a windows system.
hands down, the best freeware solution for drum samples.

Does it have the ability to cycle/randomize samples? This is what I find missing in all samplers
This one seemed promising...

edit: I take that back

MDrummer Small is the lightest version of MDrummer. It does not contain drumset editor nor rhythm editor nor rhythm generator. However it contains several drumsets and rhythms and it is FREE!
MDrummer Small also comes with the MDrummer demoversion, which shows all features, however you cannot save or export anything and generates random noise. But you can setup your own drumsets and rhythms and even use the rhythm generator.