Any Godspeed whores around?


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Sep 4, 2003
Check this one, dudes:

An excerpt from the "Golevka" album from the swiss orchestral rock ensemble The Evpatoria Report.

I don't know, this album is gorgeous and inspiring to such extremes I'm completely lacking words except for "gorgeous" and "inspiring". 15 listens or so and I'm bathing in me own saliva. It may be the most gorgeous and inspiring post-whatever stuff ever alongside "Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada"...

Save, listen, die and then discuss!
Oh yeah, like, Godspeed whores should probably check out Sweek too. I'll find the thread later when I've had more time to absorb it but it's good stuff.

I saved this to my desktop at home, will listen later.
I downloaded it.

It's gay and lying.

OK. I have no idea what that actually means. I've just been wanting to call something "gay and lying" for a very long time now, and this seemed like as good an opportunity as any. Actually, it's OK. If you listen to it with the sound off, it sounds like a cross between Primordial and Lionel Richie.

Listened to this last night, and though I don't remember a lot of last night, I remember this kicked arse. I had better listen again.

Can this turn into a post-rock recommendation thread? Give me suggestions!
Décadent said:
Can this turn into a post-rock recommendation thread? Give me suggestions!
Silver Mt. Zion
Silver Mt. Zion
Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Silver Mt. Zion

Oh and don't forget to check out Silver Mt. Zion. :)
One Inch Man said:
Silver Mt. Zion
Silver Mt. Zion
Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Silver Mt. Zion

Oh and don't forget to check out Silver Mt. Zion. :)

Do you mean Thee Silver Mount Zion and the Tra-La-La Band Memorial Orchestra With Choir? :D

As to your suggestions, yeah, the obvious stuff, all their releases are worth getting, even Mono's debut "Under the Pipal Tree", while still a bit on the copycat side, is food for schoolchildren through and through.

Otherwise I'm no post-rock scholar and I pay attention not to get intoxicated with too much of the stuff, but some more off-the-beaten-path suggestions would involve:

Explosions in the Sky - focus on lovely intertwined guitars and climatic saturation

Magyar Posse - pretty much reminding Morricone's soundtracks for the orchestral part, otherwise a sane balance of melancholy and progressive bridges. The most rocking of the lot as well, I'd say, with some up-tempo stuff now and then.

Sweek - post-rock by definition. Mono meets Godspeed meets anything post-rock. Their album is very good but some the whispered vocals they tend to use at times are unnerving

Do Make Say Think - quite weird with folkish undertones. Got to check "Goodbye Enemy Airship the Landlord is Dead", presumably their highlight

And if you're on for some chamber-music-like material, Rachel's and Esmerine will do the trick anytime, the second one you might consider as an extension of Silver Mt. Zion's violin-only moments with a few backdrop beats.
Listening to Prognoz now...great shit, especially the patented glorious wall of noise four minutes in. As for non-obvious recommendations, try some of the more esoteric Godspeed offshoots & relations, or some of the other Constellation & Temporary Residence bands if you're sick of either of Efrim's main projects...
PS Enemy Airship is damned good for something recorded in a barn (no joke), but Winter Hymn kills it.
Dev said:
Opinions on MT. Zion except "Born..."?
I only have that and He Has Left Us Alone But Shafts Of Light Sometimes Grace The Corner Of Our Rooms... which I haven't given a proper listen to yet, but so far it's very good. Darker and sparser than Sparks, so far. It's a tribute to his dead doggy. :(
Ellestin said:
Do you mean Thee Silver Mount Zion and the Tra-La-La Band Memorial Orchestra With Choir? :D
I almost always type out the full name but it was 2am and I was tired. :loco: