Any Guesses For Tool's April Fool's Announcement


Aug 23, 2008
Lafayette, LA
Seeing as the latest update on Tool's official website reads:

31 March, 2009 (05:05pm)

At some point tomorrow, I will have an important message for you... one that is very apropos for the month of April...

I'm expecting another classic April Fool's prank from these guys, a la the bus accident or the pre-10k Days listening party. Anyone got any idears? I'm guessing they're going to announce a new album or tour and part of me will still believe it...
yea, only problem with those is that people know they're coming

besides, i think they released the joke early, and called it 10,000 days
Thing is thought Tool fans are big enough nuts that they believe anything. Before 10,000 days came out they announced there would be a listening party on April First in a bunch of major cities - a lot of people showed up.

And come on now 10,000 days was no Aenima or Lateralus, but it was still better than 98% of music put out in the past 5 years.
Tool fans are big enough nuts that they believe anything

it's pretty sad that a band who spend a good portion of their time trying to embody the words "think for yourself...question authority" have ended up with so many idiotic, idol-worshipping dipshits for fans

also, i don't know why anyone would've shown up for any of those listening parties, seeing how the 4/1 jokes are always released by TDN, not the official tool site...

also, 10,000 days was a re-hashed piece of poop. there were some ok tracks/moments, but if anything, it sold me on the fact that those guys(especially adam jones) have pretty much reached the end of their creative rope
10,000 Days is my favorite Tool album actually... I mean, "The Pot" is fucking incredible... as is every other actual song on that album... and it's ALWAYS a reference mix for me, one of the best sounding metal productions ever IMO... weird...

I must have missed their April Fools' jokes before, never really "followed" Tool much, just a band I enjoy and I've managed to buy most of their releases over the years.
Haha wow - what did Tool do to you? Just kidding man - its all good. Maybe the prank this year will be that what they announce isn't a prank.
I will say that Tool isn't a perfect band - no band is. I saw them live on the Lateralus tour in Long Beach (scream for me!) and it was one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Most of the set they didn't play songs, in fact for 15 minutes mid-set it was Adam Jones jones on stage by himself basically fucking around with amp feedback. Then these weird "caterpillar people" circus extras swung from the top of the stage while some ambient noise played in the background, for seemingly ages. The crowd was incredibly bored and pissed off, because the tickets weren't cheap, and many people had driven considerable distances through horrendous traffic to see the show. Impressive production, but seriously lacking in the actual SONGS everyone had come hoping to see.

Still, 10,000 Days was so fucking great that I forgave them for that abysmal concert experience.
dudes never did anything but give me a buttload of awesome music - i just felt that 10,000 days was pretty lacking, especially given the amount of time it takes them between releases

i'd agree with kazrog that sonically, it sounds really good...i prefer the production of lateralus myself(which i consider to be sonic perfection, really), but i feel like a lot of the songwriting, especially the guitar riffs, just aren't up to their previous levels of excellence

it's cool, though...after a fucking solid EP and 3 straight 10/10 albums, dudes are allowed to drop a 7
I think it's funny how uber-Tool fans have this attitude about how anybody who is a supporting act for Tool on tour is inferior and can't believe Tool has them on the bill...rather than taking the angle of "if Tool picked them, they must be ok". They turn thier nose at every opening act, regardless of who it is or if they are any good or not. Tool or nothing, for those fuckers.
I think it's funny how uber-Tool fans have this attitude about how anybody who is a supporting act for Tool on tour is inferior and can't believe Tool has them on the bill...rather than taking the angle of "if Tool picked them, they must be ok". They turn thier nose at every opening act, regardless of who it is or if they are any good or not. Tool or nothing, for those fuckers.

Really? I was under the (perhaps mistaken) impression that touring with Tool did wonders for Meshuggah's popularity and overall reach.
Yeh I definitely agree that 10k Days was by far their worst album - but that isn't saying much. The album took me a while to accept - for the first month I absolutely despised it and was hoping it was an elaborate prank. Eventually most of it grew on me, although it seemed like all the "filler" tracks on 10,000 days were just that - filler - where as before tracks like Aoen Blue Apocalypse and Mantra added something to the albums overall feel.

I've only seen Tool once, down at the Tower Theater in Philly - small venue. It was a mini-tour they did before the 10,000 days tour. It was one of the top 4 or 5 live performances I've seen (beaten only by Primus, Metallica, Bela Fleck and the Flecktones) - but it also didn't have most of the theatrics they're known for.
I think it's funny how uber-Tool fans have this attitude about how anybody who is a supporting act for Tool on tour is inferior and can't believe Tool has them on the bill...rather than taking the angle of "if Tool picked them, they must be ok". They turn thier nose at every opening act, regardless of who it is or if they are any good or not. Tool or nothing, for those fuckers.

Replacing the word Tool for Slayer in that quote is also very accurate.
Tool is back to being my favourite band at the moment. Been listening to Lateralus non stop for the last week, haha. I was disappointed when 10,000 Days came out too. As said already, I felt like the whole album was filler tracks with a few exceptions. Lateralus is probably their best work, but I also like Undertow quite a bit too :)
Here is their message on


i like Tool but am definitely far from a devoted fan. while i've dug some of their albums over the years (esp Aenima and Lateralus) i was very unimpressed with their early stuff and esp their live stuff.

but i saw them a couple years ago at the Staples Center, my friend scored SkyBox / corporate suite tickets for the show (there was no pit, just seats, so lame!). anyways, i was totally impressed with the show. visually, musically, everything! their backdrop, the stage floor and the arena screens hanging from the ceiling in the center of the venue all had coordinated/choreographed video that went with the show. the freaking floor was a videoscreen! it was very impressive. it felt like the entire show was a music video.

it was a great show, esp compared with how minimal and unimpressive live shows that i've seen lately have become. what happened to the show part of the show? no more pyro, no more stages and costume chagnes. its become all so stale... a couple video backdrops and maybe a banner. lame...
I find it quite amusing that some people feel the need to comment on a band's fanbase, as if their fanbase were one humongous clit that they could slice whilst repeating the mantra "broken home... all alone.... so dark and twisted.... man.... meeetal....."

I find it quite amusing that some people feel the need to comment on a band's fanbase, as if their fanbase were one humongous clit that they could slice whilst repeating the mantra "broken home... all alone.... so dark and twisted.... man.... meeetal....."


