Any hobby/real world pilots here?


Producer/Composer at AM3
Dec 9, 2010
Mountains of Earth
Hey, this idea came accross me when asked if I was a real world pilot, or at least knew how to fly. The answer is NO, I don't know how to fly according to the rules & regulations. As described in the ATPL or PPL for that matter. However, if it wasn't for the darn rules, I would have flown until there wasn't a single brain cell left in me LOL!

So here I go, how many of you (if any) are either "SIM" or "REAL" world pilots? Or at least follow real world aviation??
No, but I have a friend who is absolutely fanatical about aviation. None of us were surprised when he got a job as an air steward - it's like a dream job for him, he now spends most of his life on planes
Erm. Wow, long shot thread eh? :) My brother and me and my gf are all aviation enthusiasts. We go to Fairford every year and other UK air shows and my brother-in-law is a BA pilot.
Wow awesome! At first I wasn't thinking of getting single reply here, but okay. As for Dom and Symphony, interesting stuff. I usually don't attend Air Shows, but I have been visiting airports and taken a closer look at maintenance aircraft and stored aircrafts at hand. Pretty cool seeing unused old planes and how the complexity was back then. Today, everything/almost everything is automatic or electronic. Still hard though. I remember the days Iberia flew DC-8Fs, noisy has hell!

I think, however I'm not sure, if British Aerospace is still contributing/cooperating with Boeing on wing designs. There must be a link surely.
I am extremely afraid of flying, so I will stay far away from planes.
I believe my grandfather worked in the production of something to do with planes back in WWII. Other than that, I LOVE flying. Would actually love to be a pilot but it's a large time and financial commitment that I can't make. :(