Any idea on Freak Kitchen's set?

guardian26 said:
I had been planning on skipping some of FK's set too, but I decided to listen to Move and Dead Soul Men tonight, and it's pretty good stuff. I may actually like it.

I haven't been this psyched for a PP band since Sy-X replaced Neveragain the first time around. (ok, OTHER than the PP III lineup...)

Glad you took some time to listen, I wish everyone would, withh all unknown-ish bands, not just FK......

guardian26 said:
I had been planning on skipping some of FK's set too, but I decided to listen to Move and Dead Soul Men tonight, and it's pretty good stuff. I may actually like it.
OK, I will give them a try, but if I don't love what I'm hearing, I'll go back out to the lobby. OK?