Any Marilyn Manson fans around here?

Boy that´s a good one..

If there were any MM fans around here- this place would be called wouldn´t it ?

Nothing against pop though- i love pop as far as 80ies pop goes-

but MM play the crappiest pop ever- even worse than Britney spears- but Britney (respectively her managers) don´t (make her) fuck up cool eighties pop tunes due to a total lack of originality like MM do.

MM suck as hell..
Oh dear oh dear...

He's out to make money and relying on a (poor) image to do it. Without teenagers and their need to rebel against their parents, he'd have no market.
the onyl good thing about MM is that he attracts all the media attention with his looks and supposedly satanic lyrics so the real satanic bands can go play anywhere and won't be bothered
and the other good thing is that people will grow tired of his image and him trying to be a "bad boy" when he really is a "good fag"
Originally posted by ChokingParasite
Marilyn Manson is good........

......for me to poop on!
:lol: OMG...I used to say that with my friends to almost every thing.
Hmm...I used to listen to them but the albums have been collecting dust for a while already..
yeah and we screwed it up by saying "his" when we should have said "her" or "it" because MM is something in between a man a woman and a strange beast never supposed to be born
Marilyn Manson. Don't like him or his music. The only respect I have for him is because he's done so well at marketing himself and his music. I mean, how many people here could sell someone a turd and make them think it's cool?