any Manowar fans here...?

Sorry Joey and Hat, we are not in the Hate Pit now, I totally disagree with everything you said about women, and bands that have a not so macho image, women( and I know I am going to get shit from you two idiots) IMO deserve more respect then the Pope, uh well bad example, but you get my meaning, Lying is cowardly no matter what situation you are in, Total honesty is a very important thing to me and to a lot of other people in this world, I don't lie to make myself look good, I speak the truth and if a woman doesn't like me for that, her loss. And the not so macho image sometimes doesn't effect even ME! Although I don't like Manowar, I like Lost Horizon, and LH have the gayest image in the world! I gave them a chance and they kicked ass, end of story. So to bring this all into perspective, if Joey and Hat worked on a ship, they would be Master Baiters.

if my previous post didn't go way over your (and everyone else's) head then you'd know i was winding him up.

i like europe (gonna get shit now) and they have a far gayer image than any of those bands.

i don't think i did say anything about women did i??? i still think they're fickle though and deserve as much respect as they earn. no more.

Manowar is about as straight as the Blue Oyster Club at the mardi gras. And guys do lie about everything - it's in our nature. Our instinct is to do nothing but get laid. We live to offer dick, 24 hours a day. Any guy who disagrees with this is a complete lying queer - and he knows it. Sins of the Father is a male hairdresser - his opinions count for shit (unless he's helping you decide between perm or trim).

AjDeath - shut it.

Every guy reading this is secretly thinking, "shit man, this guy's letting out our trade secrets"...but fuck that, this is all bullshit. Go out and get laid. Leave the sandals at home.

Yeah, and MetalMaiden1777, I'm hardly going to defend the honor of Manowar if it means getting a shag out of it. :lol: For fucks sake, if some chick comes up to a guy in a bar, he's hardly going to get up on the table and scream "By the power of greyskull, I call on the gods of thunder to help me get her phone number - I only wish I didn't live with mummy".

I GUARANTEE most guys reading this are laughing their heads off. And of course there are the do-gooders out there trying to get laid on this board so they have a reputation to uphold. Bollocks.

And the fact that your more distressed about the insults to Manowar is just very, very sad. Unless of course the drummer happens to be your dad or something which explains a lot.
Originally posted by SinsOfTheFathers

:lol: Yeah, ok man. If you say so. So a guy would lie through his friggin teeth if it meant impressing a chick? I'm sorry, but not every guy does that. I certainly do not. If I meet a chick that I find to be good looking, or "hot" I'm not going to walk up to her and tell her I listen to Britney Spears or some crap like that or make up lies that I'm rich.

No - I think the point was that a guy wouldn't admit to liking Manowar. I'm not acting as referee here but you threw in the Britney Spears bit. Most guys do stretch the truth - come on, be's funny because most chicks know it. That's what makes it all so deceptive yet fun. Remember: Men are from Mars....

If a metal dude meets a Manowar chick, she's a hound? That's a swallow comment to make.

Swallow? That, in the industry, is a "freudian slip". ahem. And I know this is a generalization but most attendees at a Manowar gig are prepubescent boys. In the same way, most of the audience at an N'Sync concert are prepubescent girls. These are just facts man, and every record label has a target audience. Marketing is a piece of cake when you can reach kids with pocket money.

I've gone to many concerts and I go in there with my eyes WIDE-OPEN and I've seen plenty of good looking, super-model material, girls.

That's a stretch - unless you're talking about the chicks in the cages at a Kid Rock show. If you want good looking chicks, you have to lean towards the mainstream. Yeah it's an opinion, but if I had the choice of Elvira or Pamela Anderson, I know which one I'm picking.

"The image of Manowar and Hammerfall is sooo embarrasing, and it's a blemish on the rest of metal that is trying to convey a serious message." I disagree with that statement. Now, I love black metal, but can you honestly say that bands like Immortal (I'm a fan of Immortal), that wear face paint and dress like they're children of Satan, are trying to be serious? Honestly, as much as I like Immortal, they look like they belonged in the WWF back in the 80's, hanging out with the Demolition and the Legion of Doom.

But that's a contradiction. How can you disagree with the statement and yet critisize Immortal? Not that I'm an immortal fan, but for the love of god, swords and sandals? Jeez.

You may have the guts to post your thoughts, but you do not have the guts to be honest with a woman.

You may be a little confused yourself....and I thought seeing a tribute to Rock Hudson was the gayest thing I'd seen all week.

I love this forum - it's so easy to tell the difference between the teenagers in puppy love and the people who have gone beyond their mid-20's. Oh how life changes....:lol:

From my perspective, music is just not that important. I am not obsessed with defending heavy metal. There is a whole world out there- anthropology is an art - and it's not confined to the computer keyboard either.
HA HA! Woo hoo, heh heh hee heh haa haa *wipes tears from eyes*

This sounds like Hate Pit material...

@Veil the Sky: I know the link to the New Hate Pit is on your signature, but can you remind everyone what the URL is? Then they can continue this debate in the pit. People can get tortured in there can't they?
Originally posted by veil the sky

i like europe (gonna get shit now) and they have a far gayer image than any of those bands.

Dude - I'll take shit with you bro'. I love Europe - I think "Out of this World" is an awesome album. I also think that Kee Marcello is sooo underrated - one of the best guitarists of the 80's, along with John Norum of course.

Thing about Europe is that everyone just knows them from "Final Countdown"...they were more than just that number 1 hit.

Does anyone have any idea what Kee Marcello does these days? Waste of talent if you ask me....
LucioArgento, if my opinions mean shit, then you wouldn't have replied to what I had posted. Obviously they do mean something. As for calling me a queer because I'm honest with people, that's pathetic. You don't even know me so obviously you know nothing about me. You cannot accept the fact that not everyone is like you. You couldn't and still can't accept what I had to say, so you had to result to spewing out insults. Just because you lie to women doesn't mean everyone else does, accept it. Also, you seem to have a problem with homosexuals. You know, it's been said that most people who hate or have a problem with gays, are gay themselves.

But that's a contradiction. How can you disagree with the statement and yet critisize Immortal? Not that I'm an immortal fan, but for the love of god, swords and sandals? Jeez.

As stated before, I hate sandals, therefor do not wear them. Pay attention. I didn't totally critisize Immortal. I was pointing something out because our pal, Lucio, stated that Manowar and HammerFall are embarassments and are a "blemish" on the rest of metal bands that are trying to be serious. I never said Immortal were an embarassment. I was pointing out that they do not seem to be passing a serious message, at least in my opinion. And as for the "swallow" comment I made, I admit, it was a mistake. It was suppose to be "shallow".

PS: Lucio, keep those insults coming.
Originally posted by SinsOfTheFathers
LucioArgento, if my opinions mean shit, then you wouldn't have replied to what I had posted. Obviously they do mean something. As for calling me a queer because I'm honest with people, that's pathetic. You don't even know me so obviously you know nothing about me. You cannot accept the fact that not everyone is like you. You couldn't and still can't accept what I had to say, so you had to result to spewing out insults. Just because you lie to women doesn't mean everyone else does, accept it. Also, you seem to have a problem with homosexuals. You know, it's been said that most people who hate or have a problem with gays, are gay themselves.

My sentiments exactly, Joey is Italian, he can't help himself, but him saying all men act like Italians is just wrong, damn wops:lol:
Every guy reading this is secretly thinking, "shit man, this guy's letting out our trade secrets"...but fuck that, this is all bullshit. Go out and get laid. Leave the sandals at home.

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhut up man!!!!!! jees.

@Veil the Sky: I know the link to the New Hate Pit is on your signature, but can you remind everyone what the URL is? Then they can continue this debate in the pit. People can get tortured in there can't they?

ok then


this is the url:;act=SF;f=8

Dude - I'll take shit with you bro'. I love Europe - I think "Out of this World" is an awesome album. I also think that Kee Marcello is sooo underrated - one of the best guitarists of the 80's, along with John Norum of course.

Kee Marcello is indeed, quite frighteningly good. I just love the start to that album

- Keep on Walking that Road and I'll follow
- Keep on calling my name I'll be there..


I've got this live video with Kee Marcello playing the flight of the bumblebee ......holy shit. and he has his whole name printed with the fret inlays along his guitar neck!! HOW COOL!

Also, you seem to have a problem with homosexuals. You know, it's been said that most people who hate or have a problem with gays, are gay themselves.

did you hear that lucio..... you're a queer.

I get pretty weary of people bashing on true metal bands for the "gay" image and such. And most of the people who do this listen to bands who wear more makeup then a Vegas whore and prance around singing about the beauty of forests. One thing true metal sword metal adventure metal power metal whatever has that other more grim and frostbitten genres do not is a sense of fun. All of you black metal freaks need to get the upsidedown cross out of your ass and just enjoy yourselves, don't be so concerned with staying true to your scene. I went to Manowar/Immortal and I laughed at the stoic black metal kids who went and stood arms crossed when Immortal played and then left before Manowar even came on I'm sure to write some pagan hymns to an absurdly majestic fjord or something. Just have some damn fun and stop being so serious.
Originally posted by AjDeath

My sentiments exactly, Joey is Italian, he can't help himself, but him saying all men act like Italians is just wrong, damn wops:lol:


Actually unless you know someone personally, you have no idea who you're talking to in forums such as these. Men could be women, blacks could be whites, fat people can be thin people - that is the whole point of forums - everyone is in 'disguise'. Nobody comes here to make real friends because we're all dispersed around the world. So if you know this person then fine, but otherwise leave Italians or other minorities out of it. This is a global community and not everybody understands the inherent racist terms Americans have for other countries.

By the way, I'm not italian, but hearing people refer to blacks as my pals and italians as wops is a disgrace in this day and age. Sure it's all funny hiding behind your AjDeath name, but resorting to bigotry makes you as bad as your friend Kushantaiidan who you went after on a rampage.

At Manowar fans;

Sensitivity is an issue perhaps? But surely nobody seriously walks down the street in swords and sandals. Yes, that is an image of the band, but poking fun of that image is exactly that - fun. Most Manowar fans have grown to accept it since it's been happening the day they took to the stage. And likewise, the same happens with Ronnie James Dio, Yngwie Malmsteen etc. You should take it all with a pinch of salt.
Originally posted by veil the sky

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhut up man!!!!!! jees.


I know - dude, shut the fuck up. Every guy sitting here is squirming away...:lol: I even had my girlfriend ask me if it was true that all men lie and of course I had to deny it...sheesh.

It's like that Chris Rock video (Bigger, Blacker, Deffer?) - he says men lie so much, it's become a damn language! So funny.

Kee Marcello is indeed, quite frighteningly good. I just love the start to that album

- Keep on Walking that Road and I'll follow
- Keep on calling my name I'll be there..


I've got this live video with Kee Marcello playing the flight of the bumblebee ......holy shit. and he has his whole name printed with the fret inlays along his guitar neck!! HOW COOL!

Kee Marcello - Tower Callin' solo :rock:
Originally posted by SinsOfTheFathers
LucioArgento, if my opinions mean shit, then you wouldn't have replied to what I had posted.

Well I was hardly going to let a trainee air steward have the last word.

You cannot accept the fact that not everyone is like you.

I know - I am so unique - thanks. Remember the words I tell you: nice guys finish last. You'll thank me one day, heh.

You couldn't and still can't accept what I had to say, so you had to result to spewing out insults. Just because you lie to women doesn't mean everyone else does, accept it.

Which chick are you trying to impress here? Come on man, forget all this defensive shit, let us know - who's pant's are you trying to get into. You're secret is safe with us...heh.

Also, you seem to have a problem with homosexuals. You know, it's been said that most people who hate or have a problem with gays, are gay themselves.

My god, the secret is out. Thank you Dr Freud. Now I can finally step out of your mums closet.

As stated before, I hate sandals, therefor do not wear them.

So you walk around bare foot? I don't get it.

...Lucio, stated that Manowar and HammerFall are embarassments and are a "blemish" on the rest of metal bands that are trying to be serious.

But Spinal Tap was funny right? It would not have existed were it not for bands like Manowar, Dio, and Dobly.

So what you're saying is that Spinal Tap offends you as a serious Manowar fan? Pray Odin protects you from amps that go to 11.

PS: Lucio, keep those insults coming.

See you in the hate pit - see Veils post. We have your mother in there with us.

And to all others curious about the hate pit, step in the ring....muwaha ha ha ha.

Originally posted by AjDeath

My sentiments exactly, Joey is Italian, he can't help himself, but him saying all men act like Italians is just wrong, damn wops:lol:

Ahh look everyone - friendship blossoms between SinsoftheFathers and Mr AjWank. Racist virtues from Maine, New England - the hub of the western civilization...bless.

*serious stance with axe in the wind and sporting furry y-fronts*

HAILS!...heh heh.
You're pathetic, Lucio, you resulted to mother jokes. Do you honestly think that'll phase me? And no, I'm not trying to impress any chick on this board. I have a girlfriend. It looks to me like you're trying to impress some people on this board, that's why you have to insult people. You think that if you insult them and make o' so witty comments, people will think you're funny. I'm not saying no one finds you funny, some do, some don't.

I went against your theory, and that bothers you doesn't it? Don't deny it. You can admit it, you're secrets safe with us. If it didn't bother you, you wouldn't have resulted to insults.

I stated that I hate sandals, therefor I do not wear them. I never said I walk around barefoot. If you really must know, I wear black steel toed boots.

I really don't care if you like Manowar or not, that's your choice. This argument is obviously heading no where because I know you're going to reply to this and take some more jabs at me, but that's because you're still a child. I'm not trying to insult you there or anything, just stating my opinion.
SinsoftheFathers - you're being wound up. This is what Hate Pitters do best. :lol:

All except AjRoger that is - he has a mullet.
Lucios right though, and all this "I'm so honest and sensitive, look at me break down and cry for no reason" is just a different ploy to achieve the same result as lying about being rich or whatever.

ps. Veil likes europe, veil likes europe, hahahahahahahaha :grin: