any Meshuggah fans?


Dyslexics Untie!
May 24, 2002
Rocklin, CA
Any Meshuggah fans in here?

Meshuggah have a 100% original sound and approach to metal. That's what I love about them. I've also been noticing that the band has been updating their website more and more lately. I expect any day now they will announce a title and release date for their new album. I can't wait!
Well I've had DEI for quite some time now... I heard it was their best album. It is ok though I got bored pretty fast.
Check out the album "Nothing". I like that one too. Their sound is not for everyone, but sometimes I get in moods where only a quick fix of Mushuggah will stop the shakes. LOL.
I guess they're ok... They don't (didn't, they've moved to Stckholm now) live too far from me, but I don't own any of their albums though I saw them live in '98 or something like that. They don't play back home much.
Meshuggah is great. They are among the best in the Swedish Metal scene. Corridor of Chameleons, anyone?