Bergstrand mixing new Meshuggah


Dec 1, 2008
I couldn't find a thread about this, so I figured I'd post it. Meshuggah revealed yesterday that they're looking at a September/October release, and that Daniel Bergstrand is going to mix it! :Spin: I can't wait! This year already has collaborations between Bogren/Townsend and Bogren/Wilson/Åkerfeldt, and now we have Meshuggah/Bergstrand to look forward to as well!
Obzen wasn't as good as the last few albums, a few of the songs are fantastic and a few are very forgettable. I love I/C33/Nothing though. It's always interesting to see what Meshuggah dish up with, they're probably my favourite band, and the fact that Bergstrand is mixing this has made me anticipate this even more :)
Obzen was the first Meshuggah record that sounded uninspired, noncohesive and rehashed to me in parts (I do love some songs on it though). Everything prior to that seemed to be the next logical step in their evolution, refining their sound and peaking in Catch Thirtythree.
Obzen was the first Meshuggah record that sounded uninspired, noncohesive and rehashed to me in parts (I do love some songs on it though). Everything prior to that seemed to be the next logical step in their evolution, refining their sound and peaking in Catch Thirtythree.

Obzen was the first Meshuggah record that sounded uninspired, noncohesive and rehashed to me in parts (I do love some songs on it though). Everything prior to that seemed to be the next logical step in their evolution, refining their sound and peaking in Catch Thirtythree.
Double agreed.

Catch 33 is their magnum opus to this date, IMO.
Yeah I definitely think the band got better with each record and peaked at Catch Thirtythree, which is a true 5/5 record, then ObZen came, and while more 'diverse' perhaps, just not as focused and a bit lacking compared with Catch Thirtythree in the really strange, almost avant garde elements, so I'd give it 4/5.
Definitely looking forward to what Bergstrand and Meshuggah can bring to the table with the next record