Any Metal Midi Drummers Out There Looking For Online Session Work?

Dec 16, 2010
Under the heading... i'm a guitar player, not a drummer, Damn It!

I'm in the process of recording 3 original cd's. One 6 song free CD (mix of Modern and Old School Metal), One 8 song "Old School" metal CD, and one 9 song Modern Metal CD -- that's quite a workload, and i'm starting to hate drums!
I'm editing all the drum parts that my drummer laid down on a midi drum kick (quantizing, humanizing, adding midi loops/fills) Problem is, there's alot of ghost notes, and overplaying, as well as, parts that just don't fit right.
Are there any midi drumers out there interested in some session work? I can post a song on this forum to audition your prowess, and then give you x amount per song for the rest of the albums using paypal or mailing check.

let me know
I think I've got some pretty good metal songs, but the drums are not my strong point, Here is the sequence of events that I've used for drums.

1) Layed down a sratch (storyboard) version of the drums using my keyboard to lay down midi drums.
2) Had a pro drummer come in and add real drumming techneque on top of scratch using midi drums. (result - a lot of overplayin "show-off stuff, too many ghost notes, or wrong interpretation of what I wanted) but still, some parts were cool.
3) A lot of editing out the overplaying and used "Slam Tracks" for fills and groves.
I think I've got some pretty good metal songs, but the drums are not my strong point, Here is the sequence of events that I've used for drums.

1) Layed down a sratch (storyboard) version of the drums using my keyboard to lay down midi drums.
2) Had a pro drummer come in and add real drumming techneque on top of scratch using midi drums. (result - a lot of overplayin "show-off stuff, to many ghostnotes, or wrong interpretation of what I wanted) but still, some parts were cool.
3) Alot of editing out the overplaying and used "Slam Tracks" for fills and groves.
So if you need a drummer to record on top of your files by MIDI through a electronic drum kit that might be me...
At the moment I play a TD-6 Roland V-Drum and can pull off most Death Metal up to about 200 to 220 bpm.

PM me and I can check out some files and let u know weather I can do it.
Sorry about the delay, but I'm laying down guitar parts so I can have drummers give it a go with my midi drum parts AND make available my DI guitar tracks for reampling