Any negotiations for festivals this summer?



Is there going to be some festivals for Vintersorg this year maybe?
svältvinter said:
Is there going to be some festivals for Vintersorg this year maybe?

Well, not really...something may pop up, but at the moment we're in recording mode.

mr V
Vintersorg said:
Well, not really...something may pop up, but at the moment we're in recording mode.

mr V

Not a third time at Bengtsfors then? There are 3spots left at the big stage:D
Gaunerin said:
hahaha! as I will be up there in Sweden next week I wouldn't mind a winter festival in that case. :D

what are u doing in sweden then`?
vacation again, it's been a while since october :) it's just a brief visit for about a week though, I'll be in Umeå mainly. although I know for over a month that I'm going I haven't that many definte plans yet, didn't really have the time to take care about it. I can still see when I'm there, that's the good side of travelling on your own....I might even end up in Skellefteå for day....may I listen to new V material then, Andreas and Mattias? ;)

now slightly back to the topic: I guess you already know that the bands for 2k decibel are booked now? no V. well, I could not have attended the fest this year anyway.
I'm surprised to see that noone on this board posted about the fest in Oslo with Borkies yet (yes, I know there's a Bork board but still...)
Well, I'd be more excited if the fact that it's 18 year limit with ID and the concert is one month before my 18th birthday... That's luck for you... Hopefully I'll get my hands on a fake ID and get there anyway! :D
I don't know how it is like in Sweden but in Germany (you know, always strict and perfect) I have never had problems with any IDs or something. I got on every festival or something else! ;)

hmm.. And because we are just talking about age limit and Sweden.. I have heard that you are allowed to drink alcoholic drinks, also if it is beer, only if you are 20. Is this true? Do they control your ID very strictly?
Alright, so I can buy beer in the supermarket without any problems? yippi :D
It is not that important, I don't wanna spend my whole holidays with drinking, but the one or another time would be fun :D
You need to be 18 to drink alcohol, 20 to buy it... :rolleyes:

But of course neither of those age-limits have ever stopped teens from getting drunk. ;)
Gaunerin said:
vacation again, it's been a while since october :) it's just a brief visit for about a week though, I'll be in Umeå mainly. although I know for over a month that I'm going I haven't that many definte plans yet, didn't really have the time to take care about it. I can still see when I'm there, that's the good side of travelling on your own....I might even end up in Skellefteå for day....may I listen to new V material then, Andreas and Mattias? ;) you just travel around and looking at the forest or what? :)
yeah, that's what I usually do... hiking in instead of only looking at the forest though. I guess the snow that's left won't allow me to do this as much as I would like to. I'll see. And while I'm there I'll attend this Demon Of The Opera festival of course, will also meet up with someone coming up from Sandviken and someone from Lycksele there.....and in no time I will be back home again.