Any news about Arcturus live?


Black Adder leads us all
Jan 24, 2002
Unseen University
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I've heard about their first gig in Norway a little while ago and I was wondering if anyone had any info on how are things now... I hope they release something, I'm really interested in hearing the new singer (as for seeing them live, small chance they do an extensive tour)...
I have only two small video clips of that show you mentioned. Surely someone has recorded it??

I was under the assumption that they would be a "real" band now?
Well; as I said, I think Arcturus was at their best with Garm/trickster genius (because he completes Sverd´s great works in a unique way), although Arcturus isn´t just Garm. I mean, it can´t go completely wrong with musicians such as Hellhammer and Sverd "alone". So I´m not kidding. ;) I definitely love Arcturus´earlier works too, including Garm´s "black voice".
Actually, that hack from Spiral Architect sounded OK on the little video clips... I just hope he doesn't do the "estratosphere-vocals" approach with Arcturus.
I said I thought Arcturus wouldn't be as good without Garm because the replacement is just godawful. I don't like Spiral Architect at all, and the main reason is because the vocalist. It's like Borknagar replacing Simen with Vintersorg. They instantly became one of my favorite metal bands to one of my most hated, simply because they replaced one of the best vocalists in metal with one of the worst, making it a chore to last through a single song of theirs. I burned their cd (first one I've burned instead of bought) and I listened to it once and threw it away in disgust. I am praying that the same doesn't happen to Arcturus, but I have no hope.