Im still thinking this is a damn rumor. When they announced the Australian tour they were quoted as saying that this will be the last tour untill a new album. So they obviously had plans for more music.
wow that's too bad.

Aspera Hiems Symfonia was one of the first BM albums I ever got. Loved Sham Mirrors too. (Masquerade never got me, although I like other avant-garde stuff like Ved Buens Ende, Manes, Frantic Bleep, so go figure).

didn't care for Sideshow though; songs meandered way too much, despite the great clean vox.

Man, I'm one ignorant fuck. I'm gunna be kicking myself for days over missing out on seeing them.

By the way, Vortex is a fantastic vocalist, and he fitted the role in Arcturus perfectly. The only man that could take Garm's place really.

I'm gunna go kick myself some more..
There still inst any for sure confirmation on the news...

someone saying they talked to Hellhammer or whatnot isnt official...

Im hoping its a late april fools joke
Nevermind, just checked and yes its official now.


I really really have enjoyed this band ever since I heard their 1st album back in 97 and loved this new album so much. Shit news truly!!!!!!!