from Metal Maniacs Feb '04 issue:
Children of Bodom mainman Alexi Laiho recently spoke to Outburn magazine about the depature of Alexander "Aku" Kuoppa and the impact it's had on the band's morale. "I gotta be honest, it did affect us a lot," he said. "He was an important part of the band, just like every other member. He was a part of Children of Bodom and my best friend, definitely. There's no bad blood between us or anything like that. The whole thing was like, overnight, a 180-degree turn, what he did with his whole life. It's kind of the legendary thing: he hooked up with a chick and now he wants to be a family man. We've always had a steady lineup, and thats how we want to keep it. Right now, we're going to have this one guy[Roope Latvala] be a session member for the rest of touring. He's actually the guy who plays in the other band i play in, Sinergy, and after that, we'll have more time to sit down and really think about who it's gonna be. There are so many people who could do it playing-wise. That's not the problem - it has to be the personality that fits in, the whole attitude. There's so much more than just playing."
that's it. word for word. :Spin: