Any news on Wintersun's "Time"?

I guess this is what you get for embracing faggy modern production values. Plugins? Come the fuck on. Get a real synth and do it that way if you're gonna spend this much time fannying about like a fucking know, a bit of tactile response, a bit of character, of the real thing.....never mind i'm sure it'll be appropriately sterile, quantized ("perfect", sorry) and appalingly produced whatever happens. Oh yeah and Wintersun is just absurdly terrible. Its kind of funny but really makes me die inside more than it makes me laugh tbh.
Well, that thread's somewhat embarrassing.

I still enjoy listening to Wintersun's first record; but as far as I'm concerned, Shambless's most recent release is everything I was expecting of Wintersun. So I couldn't care less about Jari's technical issues.