any of you heard of "Spiral Architect"?

I just can't stop listening to their CD. All the players are great, but I gotta say the bass player is unbelievable. They need to keep on writing and recording.
Originally posted by Rusted_in_peace50
they kickass.

I completely agree. It's so unfortunate
that all of the good bands aren't
terribly prolific.

Spiral Architect - 1 cd
Watchtower - 2 cd's
Spastic Inc - 1 cd
Cynic - 1 cd

Oh well, I guess it just proves that
good music is hard to make.
Good news. Two Spiral Architect(s) have a new band called TWISTED INTO FORM (great album by FORBIDDEN btw) and their album is out now! Just received it and will let you know how it is in a few days. From what I know before those guys are amazing!
I reckon you should all get across to the Spiral Architect forum where I've created a 'NEW SPIRAL ARCHITECT: Thoughts, Predictions & Reviews' thread, where we can all discuss it... They're simply an unbelievable band, and they deserve more activity on their forum... GET TO IT!!! :headbang: