Spiral Architect guitar tabs?

Spiral Architect is some insane stuff, some of it is completely uncountable [for me], or at least very difficult.

I havn't seen any tabs online aside from like one or two bass tabs [that were pretty much wrong I think]. Sorry man

yeah... just pick as fast as you can on as many strings as possible with as many frets... anyone who has listened to SA knows that there is no rhyme or reason for what they play, so what the fuck do you need tabs for??? :grin:
theodyssey said:
yeah... just pick as fast as you can on as many strings as possible with as many frets... anyone who has listened to SA knows that there is no rhyme or reason for what they play, so what the fuck do you need tabs for??? :grin:
well, to play emotionally...:ill: :err:
this is a little off topic, but still about spiral architect. on cloud constructor, does he whisper "god hides within the machines" ? i recently got this record and i'm digging it, especially the existentialist tinged lyrics. anyone know if anyone of the band members are atheists?
"it may cause damage to your mental health"

they should have pointed out that it's so dumb that it will render you impotent.

oh, one other thing. @el predicador: NEVER use the words "Spiral Architect" and "emotion" in the same sentence, unless that sentence is "Spiral Architect is completely and utterly devoid of all emotion". Honestly, i gotta say that spiral architect + emotion = zach laughing hysterically
does anyone else think that maybe the definition of emotion is subjective, or in the eye of the beholder, or whatever way you find appropriate to define emotion? some people find fast playing full of emotion because of the energy and passion put into the song and the time spent practicing to attain a certain level of playing, some people may think fast playing is too jumbled together and the notes/chords/arrangements/etc. need to be spaced out more and less bunched together or whatever. i guess it just irks me a little when it appears as if people try to make objective statements about issues that can be defined in a myriad of ways. i guess i'll quote a spiral architect lyric for ya. "Truth itself untrue to those who stop and think."
Nothing better than picking up a woman, taking her home, lighting the candles and putting on some Spiral Architect to set the mood :)
Probably the hardest album to hump to ever recorded