Any one in CT area play bass?


Sep 11, 2002
Hartford, CT C-Town!
Hey whats up niggas,

Its the Webbastard... I'm wondering if there are any of you out there that are over 21 and would like to play bass for my band? No we are not like M.O.D. though I have tossed around the idea with the guys to play the song "AIDS"...
any way we are in the Hartford area and if anyone is interested in trying out
send me and email at; We are looking for some one with a good look and can play the bass, we are NOT looking for a shitty guitar player that decided to play bass cause he can hack playing guitar.. you know who you are.......:tickled:

I hope to hear from some one out there.
I was in a band when i was 17 and we played AIDS , they shut us off right after " thats what you get for having a penis up your ass"
Lesson learned: dont play that shit at a high school talent show :rock:
xxslick66xx said:

its different depending on where you play at, second I said it was an idea hahahahah

A.... I .... D.... S...... (hight voice part) !
the guys im jamming with now dont even want to do covers, I would love to play some spandex enormity, of even do AIDs again , the places we play at here dont care what you play as long as people come to see you.