Webbastard: Bored @ Work Ranting and this is the only website that isn't blocked LOL
But for real, is twitter, facebook, and myspace killing message boards?
I remember when we launched this board back in 2003 and it was pretty brutal! Doesn't seem like a lot of people are on these things? I mean I guess you can say the Anthrax board is pretty busy but its always the same people talking about the same shit, talking about the same songs... talking about the same record... one min they love Anthrax, the next min they hate them... one min they love Dan Nelson, the next min they are begging for Anthrax to bring back Bush, and the occasional die hard Belladonna fan LOL
(sorry not trying to rag on other message boards, even though what I just said is 100% completely true ahahhahah)
But really lets bring back the message boards!!!!
I miss all the public hate!!! I miss being called out for deleting some assholes retarded post! Shit I miss reading retard posts by assholes! Holy Shit!
What the hell is going on?
(please note this posting does not express the views of Billy Milano or BillyMilano.com and are the soul ideas and values of the Webbastard aka Hackzilla. Copy Right 2009 And Make Your Dad Watch Corp)
But for real, is twitter, facebook, and myspace killing message boards?
I remember when we launched this board back in 2003 and it was pretty brutal! Doesn't seem like a lot of people are on these things? I mean I guess you can say the Anthrax board is pretty busy but its always the same people talking about the same shit, talking about the same songs... talking about the same record... one min they love Anthrax, the next min they hate them... one min they love Dan Nelson, the next min they are begging for Anthrax to bring back Bush, and the occasional die hard Belladonna fan LOL

(sorry not trying to rag on other message boards, even though what I just said is 100% completely true ahahhahah)
But really lets bring back the message boards!!!!
I miss all the public hate!!! I miss being called out for deleting some assholes retarded post! Shit I miss reading retard posts by assholes! Holy Shit!
What the hell is going on?
(please note this posting does not express the views of Billy Milano or BillyMilano.com and are the soul ideas and values of the Webbastard aka Hackzilla. Copy Right 2009 And Make Your Dad Watch Corp)