Any Opeth Fans in here?

hahhaha heavenscents is the biggest by far but its hilarious so no one gives a fuck. so just put on a kilt, do a dance, and put it on your sig, and no one will care :Spin:
This godless endeavour was the album of the year.

and opeth are ok...but the roadrunner advert campaign of "the new slipknot" made me sick.
Final_Product said:
This godless endeavour was the album of the year.

and opeth are ok...but the roadrunner advert campaign of "the new slipknot" made me sick.
i agree, i think this godless endeavor is one of the best albums of the year... also must give props to the new old man's child, and the new bolt thrower... but the new opeth is great imo, i honestly feel its one of their best. its nice to see all these killer bands progress

i brought godless endeavor to work today
"The new slipknot" was fucknig horrible. It's nothing like Slipknot. EVERYTHING IS BETTER THAN SLIPKNOT BTW.

If you consider liking Blackwater Park and GR being a fan, then yes. I am a fan! :D