Any Plans for a U.S. Tour at all??


I'm, really
Sep 10, 2004
Houston, Texas
Just wanted to know if there will be any tours in the U.S. at all? Im curious if I will ever get to see or hopefully even meet Mr. V. I think if that actually happens, my musical aspirations will be complete. :worship:
haha, i highly doubt it as he'd probably end of losing much more money than what he would get if he tried to tour America, the sad news is that Vintersorg just isn't that popular, be we still love your music!
XxNecroNegroxX said:
Just wanted to know if there will be any tours in the U.S. at all? Im curious if I will ever get to see or hopefully even meet Mr. V. I think if that actually happens, my musical aspirations will be complete. :worship:

At the moment we're focused on the new album we're working on. It'll be really nice album I can promise you that!

mr V
alperozt said:
Is Mr. DiGiorgio going to play on this album too? Or is it going to be some other session bassist? Who will play the bass is the question I guess :)

Huzzah to Vintersorg fans in CT.
XxNecroNegroxX said:
Just wanted to know if there will be any tours in the U.S. at all? Im curious if I will ever get to see or hopefully even meet Mr. V. I think if that actually happens, my musical aspirations will be complete. :worship:

Yeah, seeing Vintersorg (or Borknagar) performing would be a dream come true. :)

I know chances of that ever happening are probably slim.
Not really, Vintersorg and Oystein have both stated that a possibility of future Borknagar tours maybe next year or two years from now might happen, and if they can hop on a good package tour with some other metal bands they may be able to tour the United States as an opener or mid-slotted band. I've read an interview with Oystein where he said he wanted to tour the States again. Its our best bet for seeing Vintersorg live in person.
station82o said:
Not really, Vintersorg and Oystein have both stated that a possibility of future Borknagar tours maybe next year or two years from now might happen, and if they can hop on a good package tour with some other metal bands they may be able to tour the United States as an opener or mid-slotted band. I've read an interview with Oystein where he said he wanted to tour the States again. Its our best bet for seeing Vintersorg live in person.

I'm keeping hope alive then! :Spin:

(they should definately come to Texas)
I must also ask nicely, please play New york sometime. I was lucky enough to catch Vintersorg at the New Jersey Metalfest a couple of years ago. I do not think i was prepared for the set that was delivered. o_O . I have personally enlightened at least 15 to 20 people about the wonderful music that comes from
Vintersorg, all of my closest friends at least. I know 15 or 20 isnt enough to make your way back here for, so i may just have to embark across the atlantic and see vintersorg or Fission?? or borknagar in europe.
alperozt said:
Is Mr. DiGiorgio going to play on this album too? Or is it going to be some other session bassist? Who will play the bass is the question I guess :)
Without Steve DiGiorgio, the next album will not be even half as good as "The Focusing Blur"... it would just be a great disappointment...but let's not even go that far...I'm sure Mr. V knows exactly how great was Steve's participation to the last two albums and mainly the last one... and I'm sure the next one will just go even a crazier step further!
Oh, quiet yourself. That's just an insult to Mr. V.... People should buy the CD because of the spectacular music, not because of some bassist that comes in. I'll be buying the next CD, whether or not DiGiorgio is playing on it. Sure, he's an awesome bassist... but not the reason to say that he makes Vintersorg good... VINTERSORG makes Vintersorg good.
good to hear that you guys are working on new stuff already!! :headbang:

and to answer the question about session bassists... Steve Digiorgio was recently a session bassist for Quo Vadis.. they're a band from Montreal, killer stuff! check them out here:

Quo Vadis website
alperozt said:
Is Mr. DiGiorgio going to play on this album too? Or is it going to be some other session bassist? Who will play the bass is the question I guess :)
Steve recently summed up his musical life in last 1 1/2 years and also posted a couple of news.....

"Very soon we’ll start the tracking for the new Vintersorg album. Probably Norway again, or maybe even up in the Arctic regions of northern Sweden."
