Any Protools users?


New Metal Member
Jun 1, 2008
I am in the process of researching DAWs and protools seems to be the way to go. I have absolutely no experience with home recording whatsoever and it all seems a little daunting. The info I found online speaks a jargon I have very little understanding of.

What I want to do is use something like ezdrummer to write all my drums instead of live recording them. I dont have the option of live recording the drums, and would much prefer to use EZ drummer or something of the same ilk to step program the loops. I have heard some example of Ezdrummer with drumkit from hell on youtube and was extremely impressed with it.

From what I understand I will need protools with a pro tools capable interface, I just don't know what else I will be needing to record my music. What I am worried about it buying pro tools only to find out that I need a million different programs and more hardware just to make a decent sounding recording. Money isn't so much of an issue as I have squirreled away enough to put together a decent studio, but wasting it away making ignorant purchases isn't on my daily agenda.

I primarily intend to record death metal, so anyone who has experience and/or examples of how they have done this would be awesome.

So, in short, I would like to purchase protools to record my death metal, and have no idea where to start. Any takers?
Logic Pro 8 is the worst for audio editing. protools is industry standard. Logic is great if you want to do a lot of MIDI shit or produce electronic music. I used to use it. I produced a lot of drum and bass. I use Cubase SX. Getting Pro Tools and Mbox would be perfect really for yourself and home recording but if you want to go big you should go with the digi 003 rack..
I'm using ProTools to record guitars, bass, and vocals and doing drum tracks in BFD2. Protools is great.
For a budget alternative, I use a Presonus Firepod and Reaper recording software. I get pretty damn good results, if I can speak for myself... Total investment as far as DAW is concerned: $350 for 8 channels and mic preamps.
Logic Pro 8 is the worst for audio editing. protools is industry standard. Logic is great if you want to do a lot of MIDI shit or produce electronic music. I used to use it. I produced a lot of drum and bass. I use Cubase SX. Getting Pro Tools and Mbox would be perfect really for yourself and home recording but if you want to go big you should go with the digi 003 rack..

I beg to differ, but I have been using it for a long time so I am probably just biased,
I was actually considering the Protools M series software and an M-Audio interface. what kind of PC are you guys using to record? I have a vaio laptop with Vista OS, but if I need a more powerful desktop that is completely dedicated to the DAW and a different OS, I could probably swing that. Of course i would rather not...

any more details on your recording experiences?
I beg to differ, but I have been using it for a long time so I am probably just biased,

Like it's a really good program, I just felt that the interface was a little messed up and that when i tried to time stretch and do a bunch of straight audio editing it was really weak. Cubase is really powerful in the audio editing area. I even found pro tools to be a bit weak. I don;t think that they snap to grid as well as SX. But it is all in preference..