Any tips for my mix?


Music Producing Ginger
Jan 25, 2011
So far, I got a few things sitting where I'd like em, but there's something missing to me. The vocals are really driven, but that was intended and I like the sound. Other than the vocals sound, what can I do to make this mix really pop before I master it. Also, it's very quiet because I'm giving it some headroom before I master it. I forgot to bring up the master fader. So you might have to crank it a bit. Rough 1.mp3
Yeah, the bass didn't seem so loud at first, then I listened after I came back from the gym and I was like "WHOAAA" haha. I tried ahjteams method. It worked out pretty nice. The bass still is boomy, but it fits nice IMO and the vocals were indeed very quiet. Brought them a bit. Heres the revised version, brought it up the faders for easy listening. Rough 2.mp3

Ready for mastering? Btw, the master faders chain on the mix is a multiband compressor that has all the frequencies bypassed except for the low end. Did it do its job and maintain that low end a bit?

EDIT: I also forgot to mention I brought the lead guitars up a bit to sit with the vocals. I heard that usually works out.