any virgin black fans here????


New Metal Member
Aug 9, 2003
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i heard of this band when they released the album "sombre romantic" but never really payed attention to them till recently. i heard some of their music and thought it was excellent and was interested in purchasing one or both of their albums.

what can you tell me about them? i heard that sombre romantic was a concept album, is this true and if so, what is it about?? can you explain it a bit?

oh and i am new to the boards, greetings to all :rock:
Actually, I'm very intrigued by some of the glowing reviews I've read(I'm a sucker for word of mouth), and I think I might just pick up their latest release...
I've got Sombre Romantic (ordered from the end records online shop) and it is an excellent album. they have a very unique sound the nearest i could pin it down as is as Black tinged Gothic Metal but that really dosen't do it justice. theyve acutally got a new one out called Elegant..........and Dying . has anoyne got that