Anybody else here like Coroner?

Uh yeah, simply put Coroner was the shit. But then again, hey I thought a lot of bands that were good got the "short" treatment back in the day. For example: Seattle's Forced Entry, New Jersey's Whiplash (one of two good things to come from Jersey, the other being Overkill), S.F. Bay Area's Defiance, and even bands like the old Hirax ('85-'87) and one-hit-wonders U.K.'s Cancer (Death Shall Rise shreds...)

There were some great bands back in the day and even though history is written by the winners, Coroner still had a good deal -record companies would put their stuff out. As far as I'm aware, Grin (yes, a FINE ALBUM INDEED) is the only album of theirs out-of-print. That says something alone. Nuclear Assault was way bigger than Coroner ever was in the late eighties and all their stuff is unavailable to the casual listener. One of things that helped Coroner was they were associated with Frost (they were former roadies) so Coroner had committed sales proceeds from Frost fans. Coroner also wasn't that thrilling of a live act. Royce did a fine job, other than on "Grin" and "Mental Vortex" - the drumming is pretty pedestrian, but the real star is Tommi Vetterli. Insane and interesting riffs. Nothing like it.
We love....or loved Coroner in Canada!! I also agree that Forced Entry was a highly underated band!!
Coroner are unmatched: tell me one band that has taken their sound and pushed it further. (Okay, late Death had some elements, especially on "...Perseverance...").
I love that band! - Sad that apart from Apollyon Sun and Kreator, none of them ever played anywhere else.
I suppose this rant can't stop now, so more underrated bands. Don't know why I forgot 'em but definitely Anacrusis from Saint Louis, Missouri. Maybe the reason they sounded so different was they were isolated from both coasts. Still a badass band though. Good songwriters. Another: Holy Terror. And even though Dark Angel was incredibly overrated pre-1989, they won my respect with "Time Does Not Heal" in '91. Some of the best song writing in Thrash right there. Sacred Reich from Phoenix? Maybe, popular for about 5 months in 1988. Now I'm lost..
Sure I liked Coroner...although not familiar with a lot of their different stuff. But now someone brings up Anacrusis. I really love their last album. They actually toured with us in 1993 when I was with the Individual Thought Patterns guys, Anacrusis supported a whole euroland tour. I was out there at the soundboard pretty much every night checking out the show. It was awesome, very cool guys and quite creative too...made for a lot of killer ispiration before I had to go up there and go brutal...!
HippieOfDoom said:
Sure I liked Coroner...although not familiar with a lot of their different stuff. But now someone brings up Anacrusis. I really love their last album.

So you liked "Screams and Whispers"? The one from '93? I dunno which I like better "Manic Impressions" or "Screams". Both damn good in my opinion. "Suffering Hour" is pretty harsh too but certainly not as put together as the last two. I think the best thing about their sound was the fact that Ken Nardi convinced the band to tune down to B flat because he was unsure of his voice (as legend has it). Kinda the Black Sabbath formula, half purpose/half accident creating the band's sound.
Yep. Not gonna stop. I just remembered another one: Devastation from Corpus Christi, TX. They had that kinda L.A. thrash sound (Dark Angel, Slayer, etc.) mixed in with their own Texas style. Idolatry's good, harsh, but still has breadth especially in the drumming and the guitar lines. Brutal lyrics too... they must have had heavy dreams. Not sure if I want to call 'em underrated, but another one I thought of was Hallow's Eve. Wish they recorded something with James Murphy when he was (apparently) in that band.