anybody have experience with programmable sansamp bass driver di?

Lots of people talking about that one lately, must be pretty good. If you don't need the FX loop, just buy the pedal and not the rack.
i have it and love it! use it all the time when recording.
i haven't A/B ed it with the original but technicality it should be the same as the single channel version although I've heard people say it sounds different.
long story short: BUY IT, you'll love it!

ah nice!
do you use it like channel 1 clean, channel 2 small distortion and channel 3 heavy distortion? because I'm planning on using it like that; and using it live directly through the P.A. without using a bass amp; have you tried it through a PA? do you by any chance have some recorded clips of it? or a mix where you use it?

by the way, in what band(s) do you play? I live near Rotterdam :)
I tired both and preferred the non-programmable BDDI....
but I have to admit that there were like 8 weeks between the tests, so might well be that I just heard the "vodoo" surrounding the single-version.
anyway, I'm not using it for live, so 1 channel and setting is absolutely enough for me.
ah nice!
do you use it like channel 1 clean, channel 2 small distortion and channel 3 heavy distortion? because I'm planning on using it like that; and using it live directly through the P.A. without using a bass amp; have you tried it through a PA? do you by any chance have some recorded clips of it? or a mix where you use it?

by the way, in what band(s) do you play? I live near Rotterdam :)

i used to use it that way (3 channels with different sounds) when i played on my old ashdown stack. nowadays i play on an orange and only use it to tighten up the sound a bit (drive around 12 o clock, blend around 10 o clock) and i don't change channels at all, since the orange has such a dynamic response i can go from warm clean to chunky crunch by just playing soft or hard.
I can't post you any clips right now, since the FTP is still down, but all the songs on my myspace (and i think all the songs of the bands in my top friends list) are to some extent the SansAmp, most of the time mine was used, either by itself or blended with mic and / or clean DI.

as for live sound: I'm a live engineer myself and sometimes when i do festivals (lots of bands, no sound check stuf) i have my bassdriver at the desk, behind the DI that's on stage, works realy well!

PS: I play in smash the statues (hardcore punk) but i didn't play on any official recordings yet, i joined the band leter.

good luck!
I just got one, I love it. Its not as high-gain as some of my other pedals like the Boss ODB-3 or the Behringer BDI-21, but much more natural sounding I guess, a lot less hissy highend noise with the sansamp.