Anybody have to kick any bands out their studio before?


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK
UGH. Long day.... painfully long.

Recording a band at the moment, they're all young, 15 - 17, can't play instruments for shit, half arsed instruments blah blah blah

Anyway, the band have been doing pretty much nothing whilst here, and when one of them is recording something, the others will proceed to piss them off or try make them laugh, they're loud as shit (I still record in my house), shouting and jumping round and shouting outside, dont know their songs, dont listen to any of my opinions or take on any criticism. They bring fucking friends and girlfriends into my house without telling me and oh yeah, best bit, they split my fucking ash tray on the floor... cream carpet, and just walked out without saying anything.

I'm only recording two tracks with these guys, I only record bands part time so i only have a couple days/evenings a week spare.

We thankfully finished the first song tonight. We still have another to go...

Should I just tells these guys straight I dont want to work with them now? Anyone have any experiences like this?

Dude thats fucken bullshit! I know how you feel direspected and all that but i think that you should set them straight. You can like talk to the band leader(theres always a guys who atleast is the leader in a band) and talk to him about telling the band to cut the horse playing and to be serious if they want to work with you. If they simply dont respect your rules then just show them the door and dont work with them. If they want something professional from you they should act professional because bands (especially HS bands) think their the BIG shit and you should set them straight because their going to keep walking over you man.

Last time I had one of those bullshit bands come in here but after setting up the drums they kept horse playing in the control room(they even brought beer without telling me) and one of the guys drops the beer in my rouge.... I simply told them that I wasn't going to deal with childish behavior and let them go... I didnt get payed but atleast I didnt waste my time with stupid people.

Set them straight man, atleast tell them you have rules that they should follow.
Ah had a band kinda like that.. young kids, nice guys but a pain in ass when they were not tracking.
Had girlfriends in, making noise all the time, drinking and having a little party while I was doing editing work in between instruments tracking and so on.

Oh and god I hate when drummer suddenly sneaks over to the drumkit and thinks he can jam out silently without bothering anyone.
The first band I recorded had the exact same behaviour... such a pain in the ass, and I couldn't kick them out because I was in their band the time they were recording *facepalm*

Left the band as soon as I finished the mix :D
Don't you guys make the bands sign some kind of contract before they get in YOUR studio? You know a contract with rules to follow and what not...
You're in charge, you set the rules.
I don't allow more than two people at the same time at my place. And those people have to be involved in the project. No girlfriends or boyfriends, no self-proclaimed manager, no cousin "who knows audio stuff"...
No properly set up instrument=No recording Period
Also I'm fairly easy going guy but I don't let the musicians treat me like I'm their bloke.
Get the money you agreed and fuck them off :)


Also I'm fairly easy going guy but I don't let the musicians treat me like I'm their bloke.

I fucking Hate that :lol:

'cmon man, give us a day extra for us man?'
'alright dude we're just coming in to do the intros for all the tracks (speaking to me like I even knew they wanted thoughs)
'Hey man, we need these tracks mixed today to show some guys interested in us so we're gonna come in and help mix it with you'

that last one is a doozy. NEVER let them come in and 'mix' with you

yer boost that bass
okay now turn the snare up...okay now the rest of the kit...okay now the guitars...okay and now the vocals...sounds Much better man, can't you hear that?

ahhhh fuck 'um :lol:
this kind of behavior by younger guys in bands pisses me off no end, just tell them to sit down and shut the fuck up, as if they don't you simply cant do your job, and their recording will be shit.

Ask them to not return with friends and girlfriends etc.

Bite your tongue and get it done the best you can, you'll probably regret going nuts at them, but something needs to be said to them in an adult way to get your point across, once they are done you forget about it and move forward with a new hate for young guys in bands.
Thanks for all the advice guys. Appreciated!

I've woke up today to find complaints from my neighbors about the noise.

I'm only charging £65 a song for these dudes as I'm doing it part time, drums are programmed, etc. They're doing two songs, so I've had payment for the song we've just finished.

I'm half tempted to just tell these guys I'm not willing to start their second song. I have plenty of other bands, bands I've worked with before, wanting to record and I'm holding off because of these guys.
Had a band pretty much wreck my place with their rubbish before. They left their stuff everywhere and when not tracking they were in smoking weed in the next room. They left food wrappings, left over food and their cases all over the floor, ash everywhere. Of course they also showed up a few hours late because they went drinking the night before on the first day.
Obviously this band was also terrible, couldn't play for shit and came in with badly set up insturments and 2 line 6 spiders that they really wanted to use. I actually recorded this band twice, was kinda shocked when they asked me to record them a second time as I had hated the first and took an eternity to mix it cause it sounded so bad. They mixed the 2nd one themselves, all I did was track it. Of course all their mix consisted of was some level matching.
I was never so happy to get money at the end of the day.
Havent yet but have considered it before. One time after a session was over, a band was on their way out the door and one of them was reaching in his pocket to get his wallet out or something. He fumbled up, and like 5 of my dvds fall out of his pocket onto the floor. The other members of the band immediately started to yell at him, apparently a few of their belongings had been mysteriously disappearing since he joined the band haha. They kicked him out of the band right then and there.