Anybody like the new in flames album?

I dunno. I share your opinion about the album, but I will not speculate about their reasons for going that way. All I know is that their current music isn't for me.

I have a feeling the upcoming Megadeth album will kick some ass though, judging by the preview mp3 of "kick the chair" that was released on I don't like the guitar sound, but otherwise it's a return to an "angrier" Megadeth, which I like.
Honestly, I like it. It isn't as mind blowing as TJR or something, but as much as I wanted to hate StyE after the shitpile that was R2R, I just found myself thinking "Wow, this is pretty kickass." Even if it is more "commercial" than their old stuff, it's still good music. The choruses are catchy, and the riffs are heavy and melodic. Just because a band doesn't sound like it did 8 years ago doesn't mean they "sold out." If In Flames get big, good for them; they deserve it.