Anybody seen the new Austin Powers movie?

I saw it ages ago.

Awesome, but not as good as the others.

What's with the shit ending? (No I won't give it away):mad:
haha yeah i don't even remember the ending, i didn't go to watch a story...

the part where he is piggy backed by mini-me and the whole physical testing thing is some of the funniest 15 minutes i have ever seen!! i literally did not stop laughing that whole time..
I thought it was stupid. I definitely think I wasted my money. It was the same damn jokes over and over from the other movies! And they weren't even funny! A 6-year old could have written that script!

I know you don't go see Austin Powers for the story-line, but my god, that whole movie just made me roll my eyes.
first one: funny movie with a specific taget, a point, and clever script. The sequels: Dreck that just repeats the jokes of the first two...

Only intelligent joke in the last one was "Theres only two kinds of people I hate. Those with an intolerance for other people cultures, and the Dutch.
Its just basically toilet humour...little intelligence. I cant stand movies that contain little to no intelligence content. It just appeals to the masses, it the hopes of making money. I cant stand toilet humor much these days either..
I went and saw this poor excuse for a movie about 2 months ago, and I thought it was the biggest pile of shit I have seen in a while. The jokes were too predictable and the shittiest punchlines ever.


thankyou. \m/
Come on. It isn't meant to be intelligent. The whole thing is just a joke.

I love it. I don't just laugh at the jokes... I just crack up EVERY time I see it :lol:

Aren't I sad :D
I watched the second one and I think I laughed once, but it was really bad and you could see the jokes coming a mile off. I second the motion for another Wayne's World (party time, excellent).