Anyone bother votin today?


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
I know Billy's forum is composed of highly active and concerned tax-payers. So anyone finish their joint an' stand on line like assholes to add numbers like a bunch of first graders learnin' their one-two-threes?

I sure did. I was gonna tell the lady looking for IDs, "I don't have any ID that guarantees I didn't skip across the Rio Grande to illegally vote." But there was a line of angry Democrats behind me, and I didn't think the eldery volunteers were ready to for a rumble at 7 am.

Anyway, I had my chance to vote against both "Needle-nose Ned, Ned the Head, C'mon Buddy!" Lamont and Jewish Joe. I went for the other Jew, Schlesinger, because I doubt anyone else did.

Not enough fuckin Libertarian candidates in this twisted state. Only three, and they got my vote. All others went to Republicans, who don't deserve shit, but neither do the Democrats who'll probably sweep this state right into the marxist bin once and for all.

So, its not illegal to be high while voting. Get yer skid-marked undies out there an make a scene on behalf of this glorious, rotting, sugary-sweet democracy of ours!

I voted early, mainly to make sure that Harold Ford Jr retard doesnt make it into office. Im all for younger people in the gov but that guy is a childish retard...and he did a commercial in a church so I automatically didnt like him.

I wrote myself in for gov.
Yeah, I got to go after work and vote against that gun hating, criminal loving, question dodging, straight out lying sack of shit known as Deval Patrick!!

I'm also voting yes on Question #1 What the hell do I care if grocery stores sell wine!!! I don't drink wine!! And I buy all my beer in N.H. at a reduced cost.
Yeah, I got to go after work and vote against that gun hating, criminal loving, question dodging, straight out lying sack of shit known as Deval Patrick!! I'm also voting yes on Question #1 What the hell do I care if grocery stores sell wine!!! I don't drink wine!! And I buy all my beer in N.H. at a reduced cost.

Lucky bastards get questions to answer! All I got was a fuckin metal tab to try and jam so others couldn't vote for Ned "I hurt my head" Lamont and Joe "Where's my beenie" Lieberman.

I wouldn't mind writin in a candidate, such as the retarded greengrocer on Main St., but there's no paper or pencil at my polling station. Clearly, dictators trying to deny my right to choose!

I suppose it won't matter anyway. With all the fuss over broken down electronic voting machines, nobody seems to care about human error, which is responsible for all the majour fuck-ups in electoral history.

While on line, I saw the 99 year old election volunteer wobbling back and forth, half asleep. He's supposed to reset the machine after each vote. But he almost forgot, and quickly reset it just as the next voter entered the booth.

So! that's at 7:13 am. What's it gonna be like at 11:45, when Methuselah needs his saccharine injection to keep going? Methinks more than a few votes'll be missing thanks to such honest errors. Nevermind hackers and devious spoil-sports!

Of all the screwed up shit on the ballot. In NY, way down at the bottom was the "Rent is too damn high" party. I shit you not, this is what I have to deal with in NY, besides carpetbagging cunts like Hillary Clinton. What other kind of BS party will they think of next? The "Are you lonely" party? How about a "Move back to your mothers fucking basement" party?

At 06:15 this morning, the following people got my votes.
Randy Kuhl, Tom Reynolds, Pirro, Faso and Callaghan got my votes.
That's awesome!!! I should move to N.Y. and start the "Guns For All" party..

Either that or the "Towel Heads For Target Practice" party..

Q, I want to be on the ticket for the next election so help me out..:)

Of all the screwed up shit on the ballot. In NY, way down at the bottom was the "Rent is too damn high" party.
That's awesome!!! I should move to N.Y. and start the "Guns For All" party..

Either that or the "Towel Heads For Target Practice" party..

Q, I want to be on the ticket for the next election so help me out..:)

I'm with ya! If they can get that rent horseshit on the ballot, I don't see why we can't start the "Guns For All" party.
I just voted. Not much on the ballot here.
Senator Robert Byrd the fiddle playing prince of the pork barrell even got my vote this time. :erk: I would hate for the typesetters to have to put a new name on all those plaques for courthouses, bridges, schools, interchanges, dams etc. that all of you federal taxpayers so generously gifted our state with.:kickass:
He will die someday, but by then John D. Rockefeller IV will be senior enough to take the baton and run.
Shelly Moore Capito for U.S. House of Representatives
2 state senate seat votes to Republicans.
3 of the 7 votes alloted to locals in the state house. I never use them all like most people do.
I just voted. Not much on the ballot here.
Senator Robert Byrd the fiddle playing prince of the pork barrell even got my vote this time. :erk: I would hate for the typesetters to have to put a new name on all those plaques for courthouses, bridges, schools, interchanges, dams etc. that all of you federal taxpayers so generously gifted our state with.:kickass:

He will die someday.

Ya know, if I lived in Them Thar Hills, I'd vote for the Grand Wizard of the Invisible Empire too.

Batty Byrd used to be the most ferocious wielder of anti-Republican vitriol in the DNC, but he's really sobered in his ancient age. Now, he can be counted on as one of the few Dems to cast sensible, non-partisan votes. Him and Jew Lieberman (who I voted against).

He will die someday, but I think he's determined to hold out an beat Strom Thurmond... what's he got, another two elections to run?

I'm with ya! If they can get that rent horseshit on the ballot, I don't see why we can't start the "Guns For All" party.

Given what the outcome of this election in NY is likely going to be...we may need to start the, "try to keep the guns we've got" party. What a rogue's gallery of gun-grabbers were on that Dem ticket!! Man I despise politicians...
Of all the screwed up shit on the ballot. In NY, way down at the bottom was the "Rent is too damn high" party. I shit you not, this is what I have to deal with in NY, besides carpetbagging cunts like Hillary Clinton. What other kind of BS party will they think of next? The "Are you lonely" party? How about a "Move back to your mothers fucking basement" party?

At 06:15 this morning, the following people got my votes.
Randy Kuhl, Tom Reynolds, Pirro, Faso and Callaghan got my votes.

What kind of party are you looking for?
I also voted to the Senate, like two weeks in our country. I was actually very pleased with the outcome.
Yep, I voted early in the morning yesterday. All the long hours working in my governor's campaign office paid off and she won by a landslide. Michigan has also banned affirmative action. The Dem's took the Michigan House but the Republican's maintained the Senate. We also blocked guaranteed annual funding increases for education. That proposal would have meant some serious cuts in state government and even more job losses. Michigan cannot handle anymore cuts in state services or anymore job losses. Overall, I am pretty happy and optimistic with the outcome.
You know what's funny? As I was leaving my polling place yesterday you shot into my mind and I was thinking to myself that I hoped your Gov got re elected regardless of party affilation just so you wouldn't lose your job. (That's the truth!!) So congrats Hatred man!!!


Yep, I voted early in the morning yesterday. All the long hours working in my governor's campaign office paid off and she won by a landslide. Michigan has also banned affirmative action. The Dem's took the Michigan House but the Republican's maintained the Senate. We also blocked guaranteed annual funding increases for education. That proposal would have meant some serious cuts in state government and even more job losses. Michigan cannot handle anymore cuts in state services or anymore job losses. Overall, I am pretty happy and optimistic with the outcome.
I voted but it doesnt matter anymore this country and all of us have been bought and sold. hat cunting whore Hillary won. I want to ass rape that bitch with a chain saw up her spinctor. For the most part I can deal with who is i office but not her. Please dear god let something horrible happen to that fucking monkey woman.
I wish we could get Dems up here like they got in Carolina. They just elected Heath Shuler (Yes, the shitty QB). He is what Democrats used to be, before they started standing behind issues just to be different from the Republicans. Heath is VERY pro-gun. Pennsylvania voted in a Dem congressman that is very similar in that respect. His name escapes me right now.