Anyone care to see some art


Aug 30, 2001
That I made? It's completley unrelated to Nevermore, but I really enjoy getting outside opinions from people who don't really know me. Also, some of you may remember like 2 years ago, on the old board, I posted a Nevermore wallpaper that I made. If any of you still have that, or know where I could find it, PLEASE let me know! My comp crashed a while back and I lost it.

Anyways, about the new art, I won't post it until i find out if you guys/gals really care to see it. So let me know!

Cool, have a look, and tell me what you think. Most of the stuff I do is very personal and such. I don't mind negative comments, as long as they have some backing. Same with positive ones. Tell me how ya feel when you first look at it, hehe.
BTW... I'm gonna try some html here. it may not work.

Sadness, pain, and anguish...Wow, talk about depressing...this would fit well on a hallmark card, so would the words, if there was such a card - it's that kind of a picture. It's lovely though, conveys very strong emotions, even without the words.
that is my ultimate goal, to design cd covers for bands ;) I'm in the process now of doing the cover for a local band here in Seattle called Hate Fist. Check em out. Their new demo cd was recorded, mixed, and mastered by Curran Murphy at his home studio.

Seems that you all can appreciate what I do :) That is good. If it's cool, I'll post all the stuff I do on here from now on :) Thanks again. I love outside opinions.

Don't tell me that you shot the photos by yourself!!! If you did it is really a very goooooood work. The whole concept is very inspired. Sent it to some groups in Norway, they are gonna need it for sure!!!

Keep on the good work!:)
Hey Kev, am I the ONLY one who's still got your stuff? Damn, I feel special...LOL

Ok I am gonna try to email you it....if I can find your address in the members sec. Otherwise, you get in touch w/me.

Your art work is very graphic and emotional. I can relate to this particular piece because I did Group and Individual therapy with abused children, ages 6-13, for 5 years, 1994-1999. Anything from neglect to physical to sexual abuse. Needless to say, in 1999 I started working with adults with mental illness/ or disabilities. One of the reasons I decided to not work with children anymore was due to some of the parents passive attitudes. The majority of the parents were cooperative, but others wouldn't listen or acknowledge the signs or signals thei children gave. Some of them looked at it like I was trying to tell them how to raise their kids, but I was only listening, offering advice, and giving suggestions. I was sometimes threatened or told I would get my "ass whooped". I found myself becoming really frustrated with certain peoples lack of knowledge and ignorance, and unwillingness to cooperate. Oh well, I 'll get off my soapbox now. By the way, your art work is very impressive


ZANEX "I AM THE DOG" :heh: :headbang:
Hope it was the right one...

anyways, about the above, I wanted to say GOOD STUFF, and we'll be happy to look at more...I am sending it to my friend Debbie who is a child psycholgist/therapist...

thank everyone for all the comments! I really appreciate them. Keep em coming. I'm glad I'm able to touch people with what I do. Here's another I did a LONG time ago. It's the cover for a comp cd that my band is on. I'm sure you've all heard about the whole WTO riots we had here in Seattle. Well obviously that was my inspiration here, hehe. This is really nothing special, in an "art" sense, but it's cool and all who've seen it really like it. tell me if you do too!

Wow...this one is just as impressive as the other. Your work is very good. I like your style, powerful imagery, strong emotions conveyed, a mix of scenes. I'm glad our comments encourage you to post more of your work. You shouldn't keep this stuff hidden!
Here is another I made long ago. The original was a black and white picture of a frozen tree branch. The eyes are those of this girl i was seeing at the time. I made this when I first met her, and when i saw the frozen tree branch, i instantly thought of the At The Gates song, Cold. That is what the type is from. Sort of ironic how, 4 months after I made this, she informed me that she was going to move away to be with her ex-b/f. My soul went cold when she told me that.

