Anyone care to see some art

....I fell in love with your art!! Is there a possibility to get them by mail or somehow or check out all you've done at one place?? I really am interested in it!!!
I suppose I could set up a website or something, but I'm soooo busy right now. I build sites as a job, and I have hardly any time to make personal sites. I could e-mail you all the ones I've done so far, and as for new ones, I intend to post them all here as I finish them. Here's my newest :)


That is so amazing again. And reminds me of Moonspell's Butterfly Effect and that is an extra point as I'm very much into that band!!! :) Please, Kev, mail me all the ones you have!! Please, please, please, please!!..... :)
should i put em all in a big zip file or somethin and e-mail em? or upload em all to a site where you can view them?

Kev, long time no see!!!
I must say, i really love your work but that one is so special. I said it before and i say it again, although the picture has everything to do with cold and pain, it's still a picture that is warm and feels comfortable. Can't explain why but i already told you that.
Keep up the good work and if there's a website where i can find this.... please, share it with us a lot are sharing their opinions with you...and it's all great!

xxx Iris xxx